Some People.

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Some are born to sweet delight,
Some are born to endless night.
In life there is 2 genre of living:first the brilliant one,always putting a bright smile and never had suffered or been in tough situations in life,they're not optimistic, it's just they were so lucky to be happy and have love and tenderness from the start.Then there is the mysterious,dark,depressed and anxious type,that had sacrificed a lot and got nothing in return ,and whenever they try they always end up the same spot and always alone,it's like they never had support ,or felt any love and tenderness,even though at first they might had and they got so used to it and the person that used to give it to them now when that person is gone ,they'll just hopeless,helpless,and even some of them hide scars under long sleeves and stories that will never tell...

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