Scare The Hell Out Of Me.

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Nothing saddens and scares me like the thought that I can become ugly to someone who once thought all the stars were in my eyes.

And what scares me most is that one day you'll wake up deciding that you stopped loving me.You'll no longer smile when you hear the sound of my laughter,no longer find my crooked nose cute,no longer find peace when you listen to my voice,no longer admire  the way my eyes would sparkle about something exciting or interesting.You'll become distant from me,ignore my calls and stop wishing me a goodnight and sweet dreams.That person that used to call me "love" and tell his friends how much he's proud to have someone like me in his life,will no longer get butterflies when he hears my name,his lips won't curl up when he hears me sneezing,he won't be there to comfort me and give me warmth when he sees me with puffy wet eyes sniffling and sobbing at the end of the movie.It terrifies me how much his whole perspective can change one day,like one day he's appreciating all your flaws telling you that's what he loves in you,but the next day he completely changes and just decide that he had enough.Now that scares the hell out of me.

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