What Friends Are Supposed To Do.

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That's when I realized what a true friend is.
Someone who would always love you,the imperfect you,the confused you,the wrong you-because that's what people are supposed to do.
One of the rarest things today is having a true friendship.Nowdays friends are only present for selfies and nothing more,even more they criticise you in a way that will make you insecure of yourself,body or character not understanding that what you think makes you yourself and what makes you yourself makes you beautiful,it won't be the same for them .True friends shouldn't do that,suree they should be honest and challenge you to do better but at the same time they'll support you at your lowest and lift up your self esteem.They should love you without any conditions just like how you love them,for they ain't any where near perfect just like you too.But no matter what they should never give up on being with you through thick and thin.That's what true friends are supposed to do.


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