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If you don't heal what hurt you,you'll bleed on people who didn't cut you.
This quote goes to anyone who has any kind of issues because of someone in their past,they find it extremely hard to give a chance to the people that are yet to come.They think they are protecting themselves by putting high walls around them so nobody will be able to cross them,and everytime someone tries,they push him away.In this way they are blaming and punishing innocent people who shouldn't feel unwelcomed or unaccepted in their life because someone somewhere in their past broke the capacity to let people in and trust them again.Let the past go,blame that specific person,not all of them are like that,if you really want to move on and try to erase any pain you feel or deal with,try recognizing new people,always welcome them,never shut them out unless they didn't give you a reason to,heal from your past! that's when you start living your present and dreaming about your future.

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