The Right One.

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The right one will never be perfect like the way you imagined him to be.
Maybe we've got it all wrong.Maybe the right person isn't the one who agrees with everything that we say,or tells us tiny with lies to make us feel better about ourselves.But rather the right person is the one who is brutally honest and raw.
Maybe the right person doesn't have the same ideas and beliefs about the world,and the lens through which they see everything and everyone is different,and that's why when we share our worldview with them,we learn alot about them and ourselves in the process.We learn different ways of appreciating people and the world that we live in,until we become certain of why we have those beliefs to begin with.
Maybe the right person isn't going to enhance who we are by constantly praising us but by challenging us.Maybe the right person doesn't want to know what our favorite color or TV show is but the real stuff-like our anxieties,our darkness,the many times we cried oursleves to sleep at night,and what scares us most.

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