It Ain't A Movie.

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This life shit isn't a movie,and I sometimes we forget that.    
This is life and it is what it is.Shit is gonna happen,it's gonna get complicated.We're gonna relapse we're gonna need time-outs,we're gonna be weak we're gonna be strong,we're gonna loose our shit and yell for people to get the fuck out of our lives,we're gonna break down and beg for some people to stay in our lives.Some days we're gonna feel everything all at once,other days we're gonna feel nothing at all.We're gonna be in some bad space,we're gonna be in some amazing ones.We're gonna get on our knees crying and hurting and begging for help,we're gonna get on our knees just to pray and say thank you.We're gonna have moments when we know exactly what we want and we're sure,we're gonna have moments when we legit have no fucking clue what we want and we're confused.that's life,things just happen and you should expect the unexpected,it ain't a movie with a destined ending and sometimes we forget that.

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