Spaces Not Yours To Fill.

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Everyone says you shouldn't rely on another person to fill the empty spaces in your heart.They tell you you are just as strong on your own.But the way i see  it,some of those empty spaces are only shaped for another person to fill.It doesn't matter how much i love myself or how confident i am,in the end i can't hold myself while i'm crying.I can't roll over and hug myself to fall back to sleep after a bad dream.Life is about love and love is meant to be shared.


Well, i can't deny that self love is the key to many situations/problems but sometimes you just can't go on by yourself especially when you're feeling lonely.You can't give the warmth someone gives to your body while hugging you tightly.You can't comfort yourself when your sad by patting your back.You can't laugh like you'll do when someone's telling you a joke.People need people and there is  spaces in your heart especially made for them.Don't hesitate to let them in and fill those spaces.

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