Some Days And Nights.

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How somedays everything can be perfect,and then the next all could fall appart?
There are days that we cannot be bothered by anything,but there are also days where we want to give up,stay in bed,and not talk or see anyone.There are days where we want to hide away from the entire world,days where we don't want to feel anything,but also some days where we want to surround ourselves with everyone we know and love.Some nights we lay awake and all we can do is to think-think-and think,some nights all we do is sleep.There are nights where we cry ourselves to sleep,and there are nights where we fall asleep with a smile on our face.Odd isn't it?How some days,everything can be perfect and the next day it could fall appart and rip at the seams like your favorite blouse.Although we try very hard to not think about pain and sorrow in this world,although we try very hard not to worry oursleves with the pains we have experienced,and yet there are days and nights where it is pushed into our arms and shoved back in our face.There are days and nights where it can not go unnoticed and as unfortunate as that is for the most part,we are usually able to overlook this.

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