Safe Rather Than Scary.

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"Why do you love me?"she asked almost astonished.
"I don't know,"he says,"Honestly around you,I feel alive.It feels as if life is offering me something worth living for.Around you,I can't hide my flaws.I can be myself without feeling everyone is watching me.Maybe it's because your voice reminds me to be strong.Maybe it's because you look at me as if I was the best thing that happened to you despite knowing i'm not the best.Loving you wasn't scary,I felt safe.I felt as if I was home,and that's the thing with love,you'll never know why one person means the whole world to you.You'll just continue loving them,no matter what."he spoke holding her as if she was going to fade away.

P.S.This is not a quote,but a very good saying-more like a paragraph of a possible text in a book/scene in a movie,well anyways I found it on instagram and i thought it was worth writting it here. :D

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