Favor For Yourself.

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Do yourself a favor,never settle for what other people decide for you.
In life,some people will try to control you.They will have different opinions than yours and because they are so full of themselves and have too much pride,they will try their best and manipulate you to think they ideas or thoughts or choices are better than your own ones.By far,all i've known that everyone can make mistakes and no one's got the perfect life, personality,beauty,or intelligence.So whoever tells you their opinion is better and your decision should be what THEY decided can go to hell.It's YOUR life,YOUR dreams,YOUR body,YOUR mind,YOUR soul,YOUR heart,you write your own future by your own hands and you choose which path you wanna take in life.Those people can never know what's best for you because simply,they are NOT you.Never settle for someone's decision instead of yours.Do yourself that favor.

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