No Hesitation In Love.

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What's meant to be will be yours without hesitation or doubt.

                                                  ~Kirsten Coley~
Know that love is worth fighting for and worth every risk,but you can't be the only one fighting.At times,people need to fight for you,for obviously you derserve to be fought for.If they don't you just have to move on and realize what you gave them was more than what they could reciprocate,and it's painful but it also means you're doing something right and something really brave.Just because you were ready doesn't always mean our objects of affection will be there too,timing and relationships are the hardest things to get right because it is outside our control.People have the tendency to have to do everything wrong before they realize what or who is right.Sometimes it takes losing someone only to find them again.But it isn't up to you ,to wait for someone to be sure of you,the only thing you can do is to give your best.What you'll learn is this,you won't have to fight for the right love,you won't have to convince someone your worth,you won't have to try for the kind of love that will eventually become effortless.Always be honest and genuine,and no matter how much scary it can be speak from your heart and allow actions to reflect what you feel.All you have to do is be yourself,and what someone else rejected or walked away is everything what someone new will value,and appreciate.So instead of honing on what went wrong and things you can't change,prepare yourself for the right person coming along,prepare yourself enough to recognize a good thing when you see it,and invest the parts of yourself you might be afraid to,because that is what will make it last.Don't ever allow the wrong people to dictate every right choice you make.So love hard,love honest.And know that the right love will one day be yours to keep.

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