Your Dreams.

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Just because my dreams are different than yours doesn't mean they're not important.
Each one of us has a specific dream,and obviously it won't be alike with the others' ones,because reality check:Every one of us is different;distinct from the other.So it's normal if what you do might be boring for the other,it's fine if the guy you date might be in your friend's opinion not that cute and out of her league.And that's why we have different dreams so each one of us can fill a hole and give a meaning to this world,we have something special inside of us that makes us want that dream.For example, just because we may not have dreams to become an entrepreneur or a doctor or a lawyer doesn't mean our dreams of becoming a gardener,a chef,or a teacher are any less than those who want to become an important person.My point is small things matter too,sometimes even more than bigger things as long as someone does it with love and passion than that's what matters the most.You must follow your dreams and aim for them highly without giving up.

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