Falling Apart.

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When you fall apart,you won't stay like that for long,you will rise again.
When everything fall apart,you feel like you're falling apart.Well let me remind you that you are always able to pick yourself up and dust yourself off every time something falls apart.You're never stuck in one place,so don't allow your mind to convince you that you are.Your own mind can make you believe things that you shouldn't,so don't become your own worst enemy when things fall apart.They will get better,they always do.Remember that one time when your tears were streaming down your face contiously and you were hugging your pillow tight telling that nothing's fine and you'll never be able to get through this?Well here you are getting your shit together and passing through them leaving them like some old unforgettable memories.What you must always remember is to breathe and believe,then carry on and proceed.

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