Without Permission.

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People will act like you did them wrong if you change without telling them.Just remember,you don't need their persmission.
Let me guess,you changed.It's alright,i undrestand it and i understand why you felt like you had to.Sometimes people will misinterpret growing up,or if you mature and start making your own decisions,that benefit you and no one else as changing.Sometimes people will try and use it against you,like it's a bad thing you did or even like you committed a crime.Sometimes people will try and make you feel bad for some of the changes you made in your life,as if you had no right to do those thimgs without their permission.As if every single tiny detail of your life,you need to run it by them first before you can proceed.Don't let this small minded,controlling and manipulative mentality get to you,and most importantly,don't let it engulf your entire life and don't even for a second allow it to achieve what it is trying to do:keep you tucked away in a small box,contained,controlled,and manipulated.People change,most feelings change,situations and relationships all change.The world and every single living cell on the earth are changing and will continue to change in years to come either for good or for bad,that choice is up to you and i,but if it is one thing that i know,it's that people will act like you did them wrong if you change without telling them.Just remember you don't need permission.

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