Chapter Three: Not So Different

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Analisa took a deep breath as she cleaned the werewolf’s back, she didn't know what her uncle was up to but she knew that it couldn't be good. Running her hand gently over the marks that the whip had made, Analisa licked her lips; she hadn’t spoken since her uncle’s shock decision and the guards had dragged her new slave-werewolf to her room for her.

“I’m sorry,” she spoke softly so that only he could hear as she continued to clean and dress the wounds, they would take a few days to heal due to the fact that they had been made with silver.

The two of them weren’t alone since there was a guard in the room with them making sure that Fernando didn't turn around and kill her; the werewolf didn't speak for a moment as she finished his back and moved to treat the wound on his stomach.

“Why are you helping me?” Fernando asked as she cleaned his stomach wound, the brunette glanced at him as she continued her work; his arms were in chains to prevent him from turning around and killing her. The guard cleared his throat making Analisa look at him, she swallowed as she glanced at him.

“You can leave us now Freddie… I can handle everything from here,” Analisa said making the guard look at her warily before he nodded and left the two of them alone. Fernando watched her as they both listened to the guard head down the corridor before Analisa spoke.

“If I unchain your hands will you behave?” she asked making the werewolf look at her calculatingly; he nodded as she fished the key out of her jeans pocket and unlocked the chains around his wrists freeing him.

The moment that she had done so, Fernando wrapped a hand around her throat and had slammed her into a wall, the brunette swallowed as she stared at him, she had no intention of screaming; she knew that it would only cause more trouble and it wouldn’t help the situation.

“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t kill you?” he snarled, his hand squeezing the brunette’s tanned neck as her hands flew up to try and ease his grip on her throat.

“Because if you wanted me dead then you would have attacked me when I was standing close to you in the yard,” Analisa said softly making the werewolf stare at her, she only held a slight fear for what he could do to her; the rest seemed to be acceptance.

“I helped you because that’s what my parents did,” Analisa revealed making Fernando stare at her, the brunette slowly reached up and rested a hand on his arm allowing her emotions to flow through the connection of their skin. Fernando lowered her back to the floor as he stared at her.

“You’re gifted,” he breathed making Analisa nod he released her; the two of them stood only a few feet apart.

“How do you think my uncle got so rich in the last few years?” the brunette said bitterly making Fernando look at her sadly, he had never expected her to be like this.


“Have you always been gifted?” Fernando asked as Analisa carefully stitched up his stomach wound, the brunette nodded softly as she concentrated on what she was doing as she made sure that the wound was completely clean.

“For as long as I can remember, my aunt says that my mother was as well, but I don’t really remember her or my father,” Analisa said making Fernando nod as he watched her, he had felt the grief that she held for the loss of her parents when she had allowed him to feel her emotions.

The two were silent as Analisa finished the stitches before she wiped around the tender area, it was at that moment that Fernando noticed that she hadn’t looked him directly in the eye since he had arrived in her care.

“Why won’t you look at me properly?” Fernando asked gently making the brunette stiffen for a moment before she moved to tidy away the first aid kit which she took back into the bathroom; the werewolf tilted his head as he realised that she wasn’t going to answer him.

“Por favor,” he murmured making Analisa stop as she exited the bathroom, she shook her head as she bit her lip in thought.

“What do you want to do about sleeping arrangements?” Analisa asked as she tried to change the subject, she knew that house slave werewolves often slept on the cold hard floor but she didn't want to make him do that.

Fernando moved from the bed carefully and approached her.

“Mistress,” he murmured gently as he stopped before her; the brunette stiffened at what he had called her, she knew that he had address her as he should but she didn't like it.

“Don’t… my name is Analisa,” she said making him nod as he watched her; she still wouldn’t look him in the eye and it made him a little nervous.

The brunette flinched as he reached out to touch her, she wasn’t used to a male being this gentle with her; it was something that she had learnt growing up and it was a hard habit to break.

“It’s not you, it’s me,” Analisa murmured as she moved away from Fernando, who watched her closely; he tilted his head confused before he noticed something at the back of her ear.

Curiously he moved forward and brushed some hair away from her neck, Analisa paused as she felt him trail and finger over the scar that lay there.

“My uncle has a vicious temper,” she murmured making Fernando nod as he looked at her sadly, he had his own scars but he had never seen anything like this on a human before.

“Look at me por favor,” Fernando murmured as he stood in front of her, the brunette licked her lips nervously as she felt him gently cup her face; she didn't know what it was but something inside of her, begged her to do so, just like the feeling Fernando had about looking into Analisa’s eyes.

Analisa allowed her brown eyes to trail up and look into Fernando’s, the moment that their eyes met; the brunette felt breathless as something inside of her clicked.

The werewolf stared at her suddenly as he realised what had happened, he had never expected this to happen to him, at least not now.

“What just happened?” Analisa breathed, she couldn't break the connection between her and Fernando’s eyes; the werewolf nuzzled his nose against hers as he lowered his lips closer to hers.

“Something that I never thought could happen,” Fernando breathed before he claimed her lips; Analisa found herself wrapping her arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

Pulling apart the couple took deep breathes as Fernando cupped Analisa’s face, their eyes still locked as they tried to calm themselves.

“My mate… my beautiful, beautiful mate,” Fernando said, the brunette having seconds to register his words as she was drawn into another kiss.

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