Chapter Thirty-Three: Grieving

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“Fernando,” Analisa breathed as she stared at the dark haired werewolf, she didn't know what to expect from Fernando in this form but she had a feeling that he recognised her.

Analisa swallowed as she stared at her husband, she pressed her back against the wall behind her as she tried to move back away from him as the large wolf approached her; the wolf whimpered softly as it stopped in front of her.

Fernando tilted his head before he carefully sank to his knees and nuzzled his head into her stomach; he could see that she was shaken about what had just happened and he didn't blame her.

The twins continued to cry as Analisa tried to gain her bearings about what had just happened, she rested a hand on his head as she took a deep breathes; Analisa was sure that she was going into shock from nearly being choked to death and then witnessing her husband being forced to kill his father.

“I’m okay,” Analisa whispered as Fernando whimpered softly, he nuzzled his head against her stomach in comfort before he pulled back from her.

His large frame left the room as Analisa moved carefully to sooth the twins, she didn't look over at the dead body that lay bleeding over the floor as she lifted Emili from the cot and cuddled her before she heard Fernando returning to the room.

Analisa stilled for a moment as she settled Emili back down next to Josep, she licked her lips as she turned to face her husband who was still in his wolf form; she knew that he wasn’t going to be himself for a while.

Fernando swallowed as he nudged his mate towards the door; he needed to have her and the twins safe and away from his father’s body.

Analisa stared at the nest that Fernando had built in the next bedroom, she glanced back at the wolf that nudged her into the dark room; she knew better than to deny him right now and carefully moved into the room before Fernando left to collect the twins.

Analisa looked around as she tried to figure out how they were going to cope with what had happened, her heart ached as she realised that someone would have to tell Flori that her husband was dead.

Emili’s soft squeal made her mother jump as Fernando carefully carried her into the room, the brunette stared taken back as she watched her husband as he carefully set down their daughter; his jaws held tightly to the back of the baby grow that Emili was wearing.

The werewolf carefully nudged the seven week old towards Analisa before he left them to go and collect Josep, he didn't look at Analisa as she moved to check on their daughter; she cuddled Emili close as Fernando approached carrying their son in the same way that he had their daughter.

The werewolf carefully lowered Josep onto the soft pile that he had created, his dark brown eyes watching his mate for a moment before he padded back out of the room; he had things that he needed to do then he could settle down with his mate and pups.


Analisa wasn’t sure what time it was when Fernando returned, she only knew that he was now in his human form and that he was cuddled up against her.

“You okay?” the brunette asked softly as she glanced at the twins, they were sleeping soundly despite the fact that they had been in a room where their grandfather had been killed.

Fernando nodded his head as he held her close to him, his eyes focused on the twins before he nuzzled his head against hers; he held her close as he tried to forget what he had done that day.

“I’m sorry,” Analisa whispered as she turned over and looked at Fernando, his brown eyes stared mournfully into hers before he shook his head; he kissed her softly as he tried to calm himself down.

“It wasn’t your fault; I should have never allowed him to get close to you or the twins,” Fernando said as he held her close, he couldn't believe that his own father had tried to kill his mate; he closed his eyes as he blocked out the memories of what he had been forced to do to save his family.

“How did your Madre take it?” Analisa asked as she cuddled closer to Fernando, she knew that it would have been hard for him to tell his family that he’d been forced to kill José because he had become a threat to Analisa and the twins.

Fernando sighed as he opened his brown eyes and stared at the celling.

“As well as expected… I think she knew that it would come to this one way or another,” he said making Analisa nod her head as she pushed herself up so that she could see his face.

“We’ll have to head back to England soon; I don’t think I can stay here after what happened,” Fernando mused making Analisa nod her head, she knew that he was grieving for what had happened and she was going to listen to him and make sure that he was okay.

The werewolf kissed his wife as he tried to relax, Analisa pushed him back knowing that this wasn’t the time for that; she ran her fingers through his hair as she watched him.

“It’s okay to cry Fernando… he was your father,” Analisa said softly as tears formed in Fernando’s eyes, he nodded his head as he held her close to him; he knew that what he was feeling was bad but he also knew that it would have been worse if it had been Analisa that had died.


Flori swallowed as she stared at her bedroom, she blinked back tears as she rested against the door frame as she felt Maria Paz rest a hand against her arm; the elderly woman didn't hold her youngest son responsible for what had happened.

Flori knew deep down that Fernando hadn't had a choice and had only been protecting his family, but it didn't make her lose any easier; she had lost her husband of over thirty years and was going to lose Fernando as a result of his guilt.

“I don’t know what to do,” Flori said softly as she looked at her only daughter, she knew that her children were also grieving for their loss and that Israel was hurting that Fernando had killed their father but she hoped that this wouldn’t cause her to lose more of her family.

“It will be okay Madre,” Maria Paz said as she glanced at her brother, she glared at him as she remembered how he had reacted when Fernando broke the news that he had been forced to kill their father; more bloodshed wasn’t the answer.

Israel looked away ashamed, he knew that threatening his brother wasn’t the best idea and know it was only going to cause more hurt and pain; in the same situation he would have reacted the same if he were in Fernando’s shoes.

“I’ve lost your padre and now I’ll lose Fernando again,” Flori whispered as she looked at her children, Maria Paz and Israel stared at their mother; she was right and they knew it their family was falling apart again.

Maria Paz hugged her mother as she started to cry, she could only hope that things would get better for them as time passed and it allowed them to grieve for what had been lost.

“It’ll be okay,” Israel said knowing that it would be up to him to pull his family back together, he could only hope that he would be able to do so.

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