Chapter Twenty-Five: The Abduction

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“When will you be back?” Analisa asked softly as she carefully approached her husband, she knew that he had to leave for this meeting but with everything being so difficult for them right now, she didn't want this to make things worse.

“I should be back late tonight,” Fernando said as he looked at his wife, he hated to leave like this when Jonathon was a threat to them but he didn't have a choice and he was needed; he moved towards the brunette, who was watching him.

“You know that if it wasn’t important then I wouldn’t be leaving,” Fernando said as he reached for his wife, he was glad that she didn't stop him from touching her; he hated how things had become between them and hoped that they would soon be back to normal.

“I know,” Analisa said making her husband sighed as he pulled her into his arms, he closed his eyes as he felt her wrap her arms around his waist before she pulled back making him frown; he felt like his marriage was falling apart with everything that was happening.

“I love you,” Fernando said as he watched his wife, he didn't know what to make of the things that were happening to their marriage; he just wanted to be able to have a normal life with his family.

“I love you too,” Analisa said softly making Fernando smile at her, he carefully stepped towards the brunette and cupped her face; his brown eyes searching hers before he kissed her.

Analisa wrapped her arms around Fernando’s neck, she suddenly felt all the tension in the air intensify as she realised that if they didn't do something soon that she was going to lose her husband.


Jonathon smirked as he stared at the small house that he had been watching for weeks, he couldn't believe that he had finally getting his chance to get his revenge on Fernando for stealing Analisa from him.

The werewolf knew that by the time that the other werewolf realised that he wasn’t at the meeting that it would be too late; he had known that this would be the right time to take what was rightfully his.

Jonathon’s head snapped to the side as he spotted Analisa holding her daughter, he smirked knowing that soon she’d be having his children.

Carefully he slipped out of the shadows and moved towards the brunette, he knew that he had to do this now before Fernando realised the reason that he wasn’t at the meeting was because he had come to take Analisa from him.

“Jonathon, what are you doing here?” Analisa asked as she finally stopped the werewolf, she stared at him dumbfounded wondering what he was doing at her home when he was meant to be at the council meeting with Fernando.

The werewolf smirked as he looked between the brunette and her daughter; he knew that once he had done this that she would never see the two children that she had given to Fernando again.

“I came to see you,” Jonathon said as he stalked towards Analisa, the brunette realised that whatever he was doing here wasn’t going to end well for anyone while Fernando was away.

Analisa shifted her hold on her daughter making the werewolf frown as he stared at the infant that had been fathered by Fernando; he hated that the other werewolf had conceived with Analisa before he had gotten the chance.

“Could you take Emili inside?” the brunette asked the maid that was watching them, she could feel that Jonathon was about to do something and Analisa didn't want the twins in the firing line if he tried to hurt her.

“What is it you really want?” Analisa asked once her daughter was out of harms away; she knew that Jonathon wasn’t here for a social call and that whatever he wanted it was clear that he was going to take it.

“I want you, you were always meant for me,” Jonathon said as he walked towards the brunette, he smirked as she stared at him wondering how long he had been thinking like this; he knew that Fernando had tried to keep her in the dark about what he had been doing lately.

“I’ve loved you for years Analisa and before he came into the picture, you were going to be mine,” Jonathon said making Analisa step away from him, she slowly started to realise that the werewolf was insane and she wished that Fernando was here for her.

The werewolf smirked as he stalked towards Analisa and grabbed her, she struggled against his hold wondering what she would do if she couldn't find a way to escape him.


Searching through his home in a panic, Fernando cursed as he tried to find his wife; he knew that the moment that he realised that Jonathon wasn’t at the meeting that he should have come straight home.

Analisa meant the world to Fernando and now that she was missing he suddenly feared that he would never see him again; he didn't know what he would do if he never saw her again.

“Fernando, we are too late,” Iker said as he moved towards his friend, he could see that the younger werewolf was frantic to find his wife but he didn't know if there was anything that they could do.

Fernando turned and glared at his friend, he didn't want to think like that; he had to have her back and he didn't care what it took.

Another werewolf stepped into the room and warily approached Iker, Fernando watched him wondering why he had come to his home before he whispered something to Iker; the colour drained from the older werewolf’s face as he listened to what was being said.

“Iker, what is it?” Fernando asked hoping that it was news about were Jonathon had taken his wife, he slowly stepped forward as the other werewolf hurried from the room and Iker looked at him.

“Nando, Jonathon has taken Analisa out of the country, I’m sorry there’s nothing we can do,” Iker said making the colour completely drain from Fernando’s face, he slowly moved to sit down as the news started to sink in.

Fernando didn't want to believe what he was hearing, he didn't want to believe that he would never see his wife again now that Jonathon had her; he had so much to do with her and now she had been taken from him.

“There has to be something… I can’t allow him to steal my wife, my mate,” Fernando said devastated as he ran his fingers through his hair, he tried to wrap his head around what the future now held for him; he was a father and had two children that still needed their mother.

“Morgana will know what the next step will be, but for now Fernando… you will have to deal with life without her,” Iker said as tears filled the younger werewolf’s eyes, he watched sadly wondering why this had to happen to Fernando and Analisa; they had already been through so much.

Fernando sat quietly as he started to allow the fact that Analisa was gone settle, he couldn't believe that things had gotten so bad between them and now they were gone.

“The last thing I said to her was that I loved her,” Fernando said softly as he tried to work out what he would do if he never saw her again; he knew that he could never give up on finding her.

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