Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Dark Secret

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Analisa sighed in relief as Israel informed her that Fernando had sent word that he was coming to Spain in the next few days; he knew that she was safe and he couldn't wait to be reunited with her.

José had refused to speak with Analisa, he believed that the brunette was leading his family on and refused to open up to the woman that was going to hurt his family.

“So what do you want for dinner?” Flori asked as she hurried around the kitchen, she ignored the look that her husband gave her as she stopped in front of Analisa; Flori was thrilled at having another daughter-in-law and was more than happy to pamper her.

“I’m fine with anything,” Analisa said making Flori smile before she hurried off to prepare the dinner while José pursed his lips and stormed out of the kitchen making Analisa frown as she realised that he still didn't like her.

“Don’t take it personally, Padre has never forgiven himself for what happened to Nando,” Israel said as he sat down next to Analisa, who looked at him curiously; she had never asked Fernando what had happened for him to end up in slavery and now it was staring her in the face.

“What happened?” Analisa asked softly, she knew that Fernando had never spoken to her about what had happened when he was taken; she only knew that he had been separated from his family and he thought them to be dead.

Maria Paz and Israel looked at one another, they had only been young when Fernando had been taken and they knew that the brunette had a right to know.

“It was the day that humans sent us into slavery back in 1990,” Flori said softly making the three look at her, she smiled at the softly as she continued to boil the pasta; she knew that it would be better to tell them now.

“Fernando was six years old and had badgered José into taking him hunting for the first time, they hadn't gone far before they were caught,” Flori said as she told the story that had destroyed her family.

Analisa watched as the older woman blinked back tears, she could barely remember the original takeover herself since she had only been about four at the time but she knew that her parents had fought against it.

“We were all locked away into cages, I didn't know when I would see my husband or children again; I prayed that they would be okay,” Flori said as she remained Analisa, that like her, she was human and had been forced away from her family because of what her husband was.

The brunette took her hand in comfort as Flori sat down next to her, she remembered how she had felt when she was taken from Fernando because she was human; even now she couldn't believe how cruel people could be.

“José, he did his best to protect the children; Maria, who was fourteen, was safe with me because she was a girl, but Israel was thirteen and Fernando was six,” Flori said softly as she tried to keep her calm, she knew that she had to tell this story as she remembered being scared for her little boy when he had been locked away.

The brunette watched Flori as she took a couple of deep breathes as she tried to calm herself down as tears filled her eyes; she had been so scared that she would never see her little boy again and she had been right.

“José, he did the best he could to protect Israel and Fernando but when their masters got an offer for Fernando there was nothing he could do,” Flori said softly as she remembered watching her husband fight to keep their little boy; however that was the last time she had seen him before he was shipped off to England.

Analisa looked at her mother-in-law sadly as she realised that the older woman hadn't seen her son in twenty-two years; it broke her heart to know that Flori had suffered so much because of what had happened.

“José never forgave himself for what happened to Fernando, we waited years trying to gain news of what had happened to him when he was taken from us,” Flori said softly as she looked at Analisa, she knew the next part of her tale was going to be hardest on the brunette; she knew that this would change how Analisa looked at her father-in-law.

“It was in 1992 when José was being held in a compound with Israel that he met your parents,” Flori said softly making Analisa stare at her, she knew what had happened in 1992 and she hoped that this wasn’t going where she thought it was.

Maria Paz and Israel stared at their mother, they didn't know where she was going with this but it was clear that whatever she was about to say wasn’t good.

“The night that your parents broke into the compound was a full moon, when they unlocked the cages they realised everyone and started to help them to escape, José and Israel were a part of that group,” Flori said softly as she watched Analisa.

She knew that the brunette was confused about why she was being told about this; she knew how her parents had been murdered, they had been ripped apart by the horde.

Flori’s hands shook as she prepared to tell Analisa something that could destroy not only her marriage to Fernando but her relationship with his family.

“You need to understand, José wasn’t in the best state of mind; he didn't know what was going to happen to his family, he didn't know if his youngest son was alive and he lost control,” Flori said softly as Analisa released her hand.

She stared at the older woman taken back as she slowly started to realise what she was saying; the brunette suddenly felt sick as she thought about her marriage and the death of her parents.

“José murdered my parents,” Analisa said as she sat numbly as she realised that she was married to the son of the man that had killed her parents.

Flori nodded her head softly, she could see the devastation on the brunette’s face, and she knew that Analisa had deserved the truth but could only hope that it didn't affect her marriage to Fernando.


Fernando smiled down at the twins as he watched them sleep; he couldn't believe that in a couple of days he would have Analisa back, he had been relieved when he had heard the news that she was safe.

“Don’t worry; we’ll be seeing Mama again soon,” Fernando said softly as he made sure that the twins were warm enough, he didn't know what it was but he had a feeling that things weren’t going to be okay when he was reunited with his wife.

“I don’t care what it takes, we’ll be okay… we’ll be a family,” Fernando said as he felt a tug on his heart, he smiled softly knowing that it was his connection with Analisa; he didn't know what he would have done if he hadn't of had that connection to her that told him that she was okay.

Fernando closed his eyes as he listened to the silence of his house; he hadn't been sleeping in his own bedroom since he couldn't bear the thought of staying there without Analisa didn't feel right, he had been sleeping on the floor near the twins.

“I love your Madre and I will do anything to make our marriage work,” Fernando said softly as he remembered how strained their relationship had been, he hoped that her abduction hadn't made things worse.

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