Chapter Six: Keeping Secrets

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Brushing her hair, Analisa glanced at Fernando as she prepared for her day since she was during a friend out of the house; the werewolf watched her contently as she finished doing her hair.

Since it was still early March, no one would really question why the brunette was wearing a mint slouchy jumper and boyfriend jean with rips paired with low heel tan boots; her outfit covered her bruises and any that were in plain sight where cover by make-up.

“When will you be back?” Fernando asked as he moved towards Analisa, who offered him a small smile as she wrapped her arms around his neck; she knew that this was hard for him but it had been a week since he’d chosen her as his mate and her uncle was getting suspicious about the amount of time that she was spending in her room with him.

“I’ll be home around six or seven,” Analisa said making Fernando whimper as he realised how long that was away from now; however he was at least comforted with the fact that she wasn’t with her uncle.

The brunette kissed him gently, she wanted nothing more but to stay with him in this room but she couldn't risk Roman discovering them and she’d been neglecting her best friend, Irena Bryon, who was starting to notice her strange behaviour.

“Be safe,” Fernando said as Analisa moved to collect her white flat pocket across body bag and made sure that she had everything, she flashed him a smile as she turned her attention to him.

Analisa opened her mouth to speak before there was a knock at the door making her sigh as she looked at him sadly; she offered him one last smile before she moved towards the door to leave.


Irena frowned as she looked at Analisa as the brunette approached her, she didn't like the clothes that Analisa wore and was always begging her to let her give her a make-over.

“Ana… it’s been too long,” Irena said making the brunette smile as she hugged her raven haired friend, as they pulled back Irena quickly started to inform Analisa of the holiday that she had just taken with her fiancé.

Analisa nodded in head as she pretended to listen to her friend, she knew that Irena was going to be talking about how wonderful Lyon was and how much stuff that he bought her.

“So what have you been up to?” Irena asked as she sipped on her Caramel Macchiato as she watched Analisa, who shifted in her seat; there was something different about the brunette and Irena didn't know what it was.

“I’ve been good… you know the usual,” Analisa said with a shrug making Irena purse her lips, she didn't know what it was but she could sense something different and she wanted to know what it was.

"My uncle went to another werewolf auction, he got Nicolas a personal slave werewolf,” Analisa said as she sipped on her jasmine orange tea, Irena didn't share her friend’s dislike for how the werewolves were treated but she didn't like the idea of personal werewolves.

“Then he gave me one,” Analisa said making Irena choke on her drink and stare at Analisa, she had a feeling that the brunette had done something that was going to cause a lot of trouble.

“You haven’t done something stupid have you?” Irena demanded making Analisa look at her and shake her head, if she could have freed Fernando without causing suspicion then she would have done.

“Ana, you can’t be easy on them… especially not a personal slave werewolf, he’ll kill you,” Irena said as if she was talking to an idiot, Analisa nodded along as the ebony haired woman started to rant about her being safe around the werewolf; the brunette knew that she would never be able to tell Irena about her connection to Fernando.

“Would you look at the state of that,” Irena said suddenly her blue eyes focused on a woman passing the café they were sat outside; Analisa furrowed her brow before she turned to look at the blonde that was passing by.

There wasn’t anything strange about her at first glance until Analisa got a full look at her face, the right side of her face was seriously scarred and everyone seemed to whisper about her as she passed. Irena leant towards Analisa as she sneered at the blonde who passed.

“That’s Morgana Fay… stupid cow fell in love with a werewolf and those scars are how he repaid her before he was executed,” Irena said smugly making Analisa frown.

“She fell in love how is she stupid for doing so… it doesn’t matter if it was a werewolf or the king of Persia,” Analisa snapped making Irena stare at her stunned; the brunette licked her lips as she glanced at the woman, who was at the flower shop smelling some plants.

“Love makes people do strange things… not everything is about money Irena,” Analisa said making her friend purse her lips before she got to her feet and stormed away.

Sighing Analisa collected her bag as she got to her feet, she knew that she should be more careful about what she said in public but she doubted that Irena would be angry for long. Leaving the café, Analisa was stopped by the blonde woman who offered her a smile.

“Thank you for standing up for me,” she said making Analisa nod as she returned the smile to Morgana.

The blonde’s brown eyes searched her face before something flickered through them as if seeing something that others could not; reaching into her bag, Morgana quickly found a pen before she took Analisa’s hand and wrote on it.

“If you ever need someone to talk to…” Morgana said winking at Analisa, who stared at her confused before the blonde walked away leaving her alone.


Arriving home late that evening, Analisa sighed in relief as she slipped her feet out of her boots after she had closed her bedroom door behind her; she was glad that she hadn’t run into her uncle when she had returned home.

“Ana,” Fernando said relieved as he moved to greet his mate, he nuzzled his head against hers as he wrapped his arms around her; the brunette smiled as she wrapped her arms around him, she could sense that he had missed her.

“I missed you,” Fernando mused making Analisa smile as she looked up at him, it was clear that she’d missed him just as much as he’d missed her; he didn't know what he was going to if she didn't come home soon.

Fernando pulled back suddenly and looked at his mate confused as he sniffed her slightly; Analisa looked at him confused as he sniffed her.

“Who did you met?” Fernando asked curiously as he looked at her, she didn't know what had set him off like this but he seemed worried slightly about who she had been with.

“I was out with Irena… but we bumped into some woman called Morgana,” Analisa said making Fernando stare at her, the name making his blood run cold as he looked at his mate; he couldn't believe that she had said what she had.

“You ran into Morgana Fay,” the werewolf said as if trying to confirm what she had just said to him, Analisa nodded her head as she looked at him curiously wondering what he knew that she didn't.

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