Chapter Fourteen: The Take Over

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Fernando closed his eyes as the sun set on the 31st of August, tonight he would have his revenge on the people who had made his life a nightmare; everyone knew that Fernando had first rights to killing the people that opposed them.

Feeling the blue moon rise, the werewolf shivered at the call in his blood; he had removed his collar earlier that day and now he was preparing with what had to be done tonight.

The other werewolves didn't speak as they all waited for the signal that things were ready to happen; Fernando fingered Analisa’s 9ct white diamond set pendant that now lay around his neck, he was already thinking about what he would do when he was free.

Fernando wanted his wife to have a proper burial, he knew that she would have been buried in a mass grave but he couldn't bear the thought of her and their unborn child rotting in an unmarked grave for loving him.

“It’s time,” Draco said making Fernando open his brown eyes, they were nearly black as he felt his inner wolf start to take over; he was looking forward to getting his revenge, he wanted the Abramovich family to suffer for what they had done to Analisa.

“I want Roman,” Fernando said as he pushed himself to his feet and moved towards the cage door, the other wolves looked at him; they knew better than to argue with him since he was lost to his grief.

Closing his eyes for a final time as the howls filled the air signalling that the rebellion had begun, his thoughts drifted to Analisa for a moment; he wished that he had been able to save her.


The take-over of Abramovich manor had been quick and easy, Fernando smirked as he looked at Lorelei who was sobbing as she held her son close to her; Roman kneed at his feet as the werewolf approached him.

“Where is Ana buried?” Fernando asked calmly as he looked at down at Roman, the Russian glared up at the werewolf disgusted that his guards hadn’t been able to stop the rebellion; Fernando watched him patiently, he wanted to know where his wife was buried.

“In a mass grave where she belongs,” Roman spat making Fernando snarl furiously before he wrapped his hands around the Russian’s throat and lifted him from the floor.

Lorelei threw herself forward and started to plead with Fernando to have mercy but it was clear that her words were falling on deaf ears; Nicolas stared at his father as he realised that his cousin was dead

. “Where is she?” the werewolf snarled making Roman gasp for air, he shook his head in refusal while his wife sobbed at him to stop being stupid.

“The auction house… that’s where he sent her,” Nicolas said making Fernando drop Roman and look at the human boy; Nicolas licked his lips as his father glared at him.

Fernando nodded his head gratefully as he looked at Juan, they knew that this wasn’t going to end well but he wasn’t going to allow his wife to rot in a mass grave; she deserved a proper burial.

“Call Morgana… tell her that we require her burial services,” Fernando said before he walked away from Roman, who glared at the back of him; Nicolas refused to look at his mother as she reached for him.

“You did this to us,” Nicolas spat hatefully at his father, Roman stared at his son shocked at his words as the boy moved away from his parents; he didn't want to be around them after they had done this to the human race.

“Nicky…” Lorelei said as she reached out for her son but she stopped when he looked at her with such hatred, the brunette felt tears fill her eyes as the werewolves moved to take them to their holding cells; it would be up to Fernando to decide their final fate.

However it was clear that in some cases, there was going to be a mass execution; Fernando’s grief over losing Analisa clouded his thoughts and right now he wanted to lay his wife to rest.


Arriving at the auction house, Fernando licked his lips as he greeted the head werewolf there; his situation had already been explained and the other werewolf was eager to help him in anyway.

“I’m sorry for your loss,” Iker said as he led Fernando to where the mass graves where; he knew what the younger werewolf was going through since he was also searching for his mate that had been taken.

Looking over the rotting corpses, Fernando wrinkled his nose at the thought that Analisa could have been one of them; he felt sick at the thought that her body lay here somewhere.

“What’s your next move?” Fernando asked looking at his fellow Spaniard, he knew that the older werewolf’s mate was alive; a large number of reports had come through of several wolves having taken mates as of late however most had been taken away and were now either dead or missing.

“I’m attempting to discover where Anderson had her taken… a group of them were moved last week and my Sara was one of them,” Iker said making Fernando nod his head as he closed his eyes sadly, he needed to start the search for his wife; he couldn't bear the thought that she hadn’t been laid to rest properly.

“What was her name?” Iker asked as he glanced over at his second-in-command, Fernando furrowed his brow before remembering that the werewolf council wanted the names of all mates that had been lost before the rebellion for a memorial.

“Analisa Maria Torres Rossum,” Fernando said softly, Iker nodded his head before leaving the other werewolf to search for his wife; he had some paperwork to search through so that he could register Analisa as dead.


Shivering in her cold dark cell, Analisa licked her lips as howls filled the air; the brunette knew what was happening and she was terrified what would happen to her now.

Analisa didn't know what her future held now that Fernando was dead, she rested a hand on her aching stomach; she knew that when the werewolves took over that the humans would be forced into slavery.

Analisa wasn’t the only human that was being held here, she had heard so many screams in the last few weeks; she closed her eyes as snarls filled the air knowing that this was it.

Analisa forced herself into the back corner of the cell, she knew that they wouldn’t come down here until the compound was secured but Analisa knew that her future wasn’t going to be a pleasant one.

The brunette whimpered as she heard the screams of the security of the compound as they were murdered; Analisa pressed herself into the corner and covered her ears as she shook in fear.

Tears formed in her eyes as she listened to the guards being murdered, she knew that she wanted them to suffer but she doubted that she would ever get her own revenge for what they had put her through.

Analisa curled into a ball as she tried to get some sleep, she knew that the following days would be long and she doubted that the werewolves that had taken over the compound would be easy on her. 

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