Chapter Twenty-Seven: Meeting the Torres Family

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Analisa swallowed as she allowed Israel to lead her into his home, she knew that she was going to meet Fernando’s family and she didn't know how any of them would react to the news that she was Fernando’s wife.

“Madre,” Israel shouted as he pulled Analisa into the house, he released her arm and looked around trying to find his mother; the brunette looked around taking in the house before an old woman appeared.

“Israel, why on earth are you shouting?” she said annoyed as she dried her hands, her eyes flickered from her only remaining son to the woman that was standing in her home; she furrowed her brow wondering what was going on.

“It’s Fernando, he’s alive,” Israel said making his mother stare at him, she didn't want to get her hopes up in case he was wrong; she had been waiting years to hear that her youngest son was alive and well but time had worn her down.

“This is Analisa, she’s his wife,” Israel said as he placed his hands on his mother’s shoulders, he could see the doubt in her eyes and he knew that bringing the brunette with him had been a good idea.

Flori Torres Sanz stared at her son for a moment before she turned her complete attend to the young woman that was stood in her home; she swallowed as she took in the dirty form of the brunette before she walked carefully towards her wanting to know if it was true.

“You’re married to my Fernando?” Flori asked softly as tears filled her eyes, after years of hoping and praying that her son would be returned to her; she was so close to finally having answers.

“I am, we’ve been married for about six months now,” Analisa said softly as she watched Flori, she knew that the woman had been prevented from grieving for her son; she had never known what had happened to him.

Flori couldn't stop herself from crying, she threw herself at the brunette who had brought her such good news; Israel smiled as he watched his mother, he knew that they had been waiting for this for years.


“Gracias,” Analisa said as Flori handed her some clean clothes, the brunette had been grateful for the offer of a shower and a change of clothes; she knew that she would have to find a way to contact Fernando.

Analisa had spent her time answering questions about her husband’s life; she did her best to answer some of the questions especially the ones about his life before they had met.

“Israel thinks he’ll be able to get a message to the council in London, they should be able to contact Fernando to tell him that you are here,” Flori said softly making Analisa nod her head, she knew how much the older woman wanted to see her son again but right now she was the only key to getting Fernando to Spain.

The brunette slowly brushed her hair, her thoughts thinking back to the last time she had seen her husband and the twins; she missed them and couldn't wait to see them again.

“Do the two of you have children?” Flori asked curiously, she already had six grandchildren from her eldest two children and it made her wonder about Fernando’s marriage. Analisa paused as she thought about the twins, she nodded her head softly.

“Two of them,” Analisa revealed making Flori smile as she looked at the younger woman. Analisa sat down as she looked at the older woman, she knew that Flori was going to ask questions and she knew that she would end up talking about her stillborn son.

“Josep and Emili,” Analisa said softly as she watched Flori, who nodded her head with a smile on her face at the fact that she had two healthy grandchildren; she hoped that she would get to meet them soon.

“The pregnancy was it healthy?” Flori asked as she moved to sit down, her eyes trained on the brunette as she tried to learn more; she frowned as she watched the young woman before her close her eyes in grief, she knew only what she had asked about the brunette.

“I was due to have a litter of four, one was miscarried because I was tortured and one was a stillborn,” Analisa revealed softly making Flori stared at her shocked; she looked at the younger woman finally seeing that the brunette was still grieving for her loss.

Moving to hug Analisa, Flori comforted her as she held her close; she knew that this was probably affecting the brunette’s marriage to her son and she hoped that the abduction wasn’t going to make things worse.

“Why don’t you rest? I’ll bring you up some dinner later,” Flori said as she pulled back from the brunette knowing that she needed to rest, she wanted the brunette to be prepared for when her husband arrived home; he wasn’t going to be as welcoming as her, Israel or Maria Paz had been.

Analisa nodded her head tiredly as she offered the older woman a small smile, she knew that after being drugged and abducted she needed to rest while she could; Fernando wouldn’t want her tiring herself out.


“She could be an imposter, why do you always do this Flori? Fernando isn’t coming back,” José Torres snapped at his wife, he hadn't been happy to hear that his wife had taken some stranger in that claimed to be married to their dead son.

José knew that they were never going to see their son again and he wished that the rest of his family would accept that he was gone; the patriarch had never forgiven himself for what had happened to their youngest son.

“I don’t she could have made any of it up, she’s the sort of girl that Fernando liked and when he comes for her we’ll see him again,” Flori said as she tried to calm her husband before he woke the sleeping brunette; she wasn’t going to allow him to ruin this for her.

José sighed as he ran a hand through his grey hair; he had hoped that his wife would see sense about their son’s death, he hated that she was torturing herself like this.

“Why can’t you see? Fernando is gone and we have to move on,” José said as he carefully took his wife’s hands, he hoped that she would see sense and allow him to throw their unwanted guest out.

Flori pursed her lips as she looked at her husband, she wasn’t about to let him get away get away with doubting their son’s survival; she knew that he was alive and Analisa was the key to his return.

“Because our son is alive and his wife is here with us,” Flori said as she ripped her hands away from her husband’s and walked away, she couldn't bear to stand another moment in his presence; he sighed as he ran a hand down his face before he noticed the look his children were giving him.

“Why must you always bring her down?” Maria Paz asked as she shook her head in disgust before she followed after her mother, she knew her father blamed himself for what had happened to Fernando and that he had never forgiven himself.

“Padre, Analisa is Fernando’s wife,” Israel said as he walked towards his father, he knew that if his father didn't change his ways then there was going to be trouble and there was a risk that he would push Flori away.

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