Chapter 8 - The Bully

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Y/N = Your Name

* 3rd person's P.O.V The bully is not part of Dhmis

The next day, You were walking to your locker when suddenly you were pushed by a girl. She was taller than you and she had brown yellowish hair. You got up and said " What was that for?." She laugh " As if you didn't know. I'm the richest girl in the whole school. I can do what ever I want." You got mad and said "Just because your rich doesn't mean you can get away with everything." She puts her hand in front of me and looks away "Talk to the hand buster." Your hands were turning into a fist getting ready to hit the girl. But lucky, Robin came in and said "What's going on here?." She gets on her knees and fake cried " Oh my! Thank goodness you're here. This women is being mean to a sweet innocent little girl." 

* Y/N's P.O.V

I roll my eyes and said " Don't listen to her. She's just trying to get away from this." She looks at me with fake tears " She's lying!." Robin was looking at me to her. I was hoping he wouldn't believe her. Robin back away from her and said " I don't trust you. I can tell if someone's lying or not." She stands up and said " What are you talking about?." Robin got in front of me and said "You're not crying and your tears aren't real." She wipes her fake tears away and yells "So unfair!."She stomps on the ground and ran away. Robin look at me and said " Was she bullying you?." I nod " Yeah. I didn't know you could tell if someone's lying." Robin smirk " She was lying the same way as Manny." I look at the clock, It was only a few minutes before class could start. I said " I got to go. Thanks for helping me out Robin." I was walking to my class when Robin said "Y/N Wait. Could I walk you to class?. We both go to the same classroom." I stop and said "Sure. Hurry before I change my mind." Robin came over to me and started walking besides me. While walking together Robin was trying to hold my hand. I kept pushing his hand away from mine but he didn't care. At one point I just let him hold my hand. Everyone was just staring at us and giggling. It was so embarrassing for people to see me with Robin. I felt his heart beating faster through his hand. I look at him seeing his face as red as Harry's face. We finally made it to class and got in our seats. I was blushing so much after feeling Robin's heart pulse. 

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