Chapter 11 - The Deathtrap

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Y/N = Your Name

F/S = Favorite Snack

F/D = Favorite Drink

* 3rd person's P.O.V

You, Manny and Robin were at the vending machine to get some snacks. Manny place his coins inside the venting machine and got some chips. Robin place his coins and said " Has anyone seen Harry?." I said " Doesn't he hang out with you guys?". Manny open the chips and place some chips in his mouth. Robin got a soda and said " Yeah but he doesn't hang with us that much." You place some coins and got F/D and F/S. Manny was grabbing another chip but then "Owwww!." You got close to him and said " What's wrong?." Manny lift up his bloody finger and said " A Razor knife cut my finger." Robin grab the bag and look inside of it " We need to go to the Nurse's office." Robin threw the bag into the trash while you were trying to calm Manny down.

* Meanwhile in the distance

Emma hits Amelia in the head " You could've kill my senpai!. You were supposed to kill Y/N not Manny." Amelia said " Sorry. I thought she was gonna pick that one." Missy said " Well it didn't work." Charlotte said "Does anyone have a Plan B?."

* Y/N's P.O.V

At the Nurse's Office, The nurse was cleaning the blood off of Manny's finger. Manny was crying a little but he was trying not to show it. The Nurse gave me a green band - aid said " This is his favorite color. Could you put it on him while I'm at a meeting?." I nod and she left the room smiling " Thanks a lot." I grab Manny's finger and place the band- aid on his finger. I said " There you go!. All better." He was still crying, I smile at him letting him know that everything's okay. He didn't believe me, So I had an idea. I grab his finger and I kiss his band - aid. Manny stops crying and blushes " Did you just..." I laugh and said " You're so childish!." He smiles and then, he leans closer to me. I was blushing like crazy Was he about to kiss me?!. Then, Robin comes in and said " Sorry I was in the bathroom. What did I miss?." Manny immediately moves away from me with a red face. Robin look at me and said " Is everything okay?." I was trying to hide my blushing from Robin. I couldn't tell him that Manny was trying to kiss me on the lips. I put up a fake smile and said " Yep! Nothing weird was happening." The bell rang, Manny and Robin left the Nurse's office while I was trying to calm myself from that moment.

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