Chapter 28 - Help Us

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F/C = Favorite Color

* 3rd person's P.O.V

You and the trio was in a small room, everyone was tied down to a chair. You woke up " Owww my head...what happen?." You took a look to the left and all of your friends were tied up as well. Manny wakes up " Heh? Where are we?." The rest of the group woke up, Robin looks around " This isn't our house. How did we get so fast?." The room was filled with spiders and a flag with a weird symbol on it. You thought ' But why....I thought the story was over.' Harry tries to get up " Oh dear! We're all tied up." Robin said " Very strange in dear. I have no memory of tying myself up or Falling asleep here." You try to escape but, you felt the rope getting tighter. You grunted "It's no use! These ropes are too tight for us." Manny ask "Why are we at my dad's house?." Harry sighs " Manny I don't think this is your dad's house." Robin complains " Well who ever lives here surely needs to clean up. It smells like rats and gasoline." The door opens and a big Green man comes out, Robin kept talking " Oh hello sir is this your house?." The green man pulls out something out of this pocket, Robin ask " What have you got there sir?." He tapes over his mouth and Robin starts mumbling. Everyone on the other hand was afraid of him.  

* Time Skip

You were cover in bloody bruises and you were force to hold the camera up. Harry had a letter and Money man was holding a hammer over him. He read the letter to the camera ' If your watching this we need your help. We need money, if we don't raise enough we'll be killed and you'll never see us again.' He whispered to Money man " How's that? Is that good?." He screams " Yeah!."

* Countdown ( Imagine the video with four chairs, Each had a balloon. One balloon green, another was Red, third was Yellow and the fourth was F/C )

You have 19 days left




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You have chosen death

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