[Luka X Fem! Reader] Of Guitar Picks and Ladders

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"Hey (y/n)!" Juleka called and you ran over to the dark haired girl.

"What's up?" you questioned when you got close enough to her and Rose.

"We're gonna practice tonight," she told you, then looked at you quizzically, "you coming?"

"Of course!" you answered with a smile, "miss my favorite band? No way!"

Rose grinned, "are we really your favorite band?"

"Are you sure you're not biased?" Juleka teased with a grin.

You sheepishly rubbed the back of your neck, "maybe a little." Your family had been friends with the Couffaines for as long as you could remember, so it was a given that you were best friends with the Couffaine kids, Juleka and Luka. Plus, the fact that you harbored a huge crush on Luka didn't help your case that you weren't biased. "When do you guys think you're going to get a gig?"

"We are going to be participating in the upcoming music festival." Rose told you.

"What?" you gasped and looked at your two friends with wide eyes, "no way! That's so awesome! When were you going to tell me?"

"Haha, oops." Juleka sheepishly commented.

"Should we get going now?" Rose asked. You and Juleka nodded and the three of you walked towards the Couffaine residence.


"Mom I'm home!" Juleka called out as she dropped her bag onto the floor, "Rose and (y/n) are with me!"

"Okay!" Juleka's mom replied.

"We've got a couple hours to kill right? We could knock out our homework." You suggested. Unlike Juleka, you and Rose still had your bags on.

"That's true." She nodded and picked her bag up, "we'll go to my room." You and Rose nodded and followed Juleka to her room. On your way to her room, you passed by Luka's room.

"Knock knock." You called as you knocked on the door frame. The door was slightly ajar and you could see Luka inside.

His eyes opened and his gaze fell upon you, "hey (y/n)."

"Just wanted to say hi." You smiled, "we're gonna do homework before you guys practice."

"Hey, you wanna see something cool?" he asked and beckoned you to come into his room.

"Sure." You nodded and pushed the door open. He went to his collection of picks and pulled out one of them from it's spot on the wall. He then put it in your hand so you could see.

You gasped, "no way."

"Yes way." He grinned.

"You got one of the limited edition Jagged Stone picks?" You asked as you examined the small piece of plastic, "that's insane! How'd you get it?"

He pretended to nonchalantly shrug, "just a friend."

"That's so cool!" you gushed. You weren't exactly a guitar player, but you did keep up with what was happening in the music world. If only to keep up with what Luka was talking about.

"(y/n)!" you heard your name being called, "we're going to start our homework without you!" Rose shouted.

You blanched, Ms. Mendeleev gave some hard homework for tonight and you did not want to miss help with that. "Sorry, I've got to go." You gave him back his pick, "I'll talk to you later though!" you waved at him before you darted to Juleka's room.

"What were you doing with my brother?" Juleka teased with a knowing look.

"He was just showing me his Jagged Stone pick." You answered with your face buried in your bag as you looked for your homework and to hide your blush.

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