[Youtuber! Luka x Youtuber!Fem! Reader] The Boyfriend Tag!

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Requested by Dark_Stitches

AN: This was posted before in a different one-shots book, but it has been long abandoned, so I figured I'd bring it here! ^^

"Greetings all you peeps!" you popped up from the below frame with a grin on your face, "how are you all today? Night. Evening. 3 am in the morning." You laughed at your own silly comments, "anyways, I'm here with a very special guest." You reached out of the frame and grabbed said guest and yanked them next to you, "it's my boyfriend Luka!" you cheered as he righted himself on the bed next to you.

"Yo." He gave the camera a small smile.

"You may know him from his own youtube channel, link on that card right there!" you pretended to smack a card onto the top of the screen, "he makes super awesome music! So, what are we doing today Luka?"

"Pfft, I don't know. You're the one who dragged me here." He laughed. You mock pouted and crossed your arms sullenly. "Aww, I'm sorry that I don't know." He noticed your pout and pulled you into a hug.

"That's okay." You patted his arm that was wrapped around you, "okay. Enough dawdling!" you separated yourself from his grasp and eagerly bounced on the bed, "we're doing the boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other tag! Are you ready? 'Cuz here we go!" you cheered, "alright, number one. How long have we been together?" you looked expectantly at the blue and black haired male next to you.

"Like officially or unofficially?" he questioned.

"Storytime." You declared and then gestured for him to continue.

"Officially it's been," he hesitated, "one and a half years?"

"More or less." You agreed, "we went and got ice cream together and I didn't realize it was a date until he straight up asked me to be his girlfriend."

"Yeah, we hung out together a lot before we got together." Luka added, "we went to concerts, hung out at the mall, that sort of stuff."

"Most of the time we had other friends with us." You piped up, "our friend group hangs out a lot together. So Luka and I have known each other for probably" you tilted your head and squinted off into the distance as you thought about it, "three plus years by this point."

"What's next?" Luka questioned and leaned over your shoulder to look at your phone that held all the questions, "what do you love most about me? Should we both do it?"

"Yep!" you nodded and then nudged him, "you go first."

"Hmm, I love your laugh." He told you with a big grin on his face.

"No! That's cheesy!" you shouted and playfully slapped his arm.

"Tough luck because it's true." He replied and stuck his tongue out at you.

"Alright, what do I love about you?" you shot him a sly look, "your colorful hair."

"Seriously?" he gave you a deadpanned look, "there are so many other youtubers out there who have colorful hair. It's almost like some sort of requirement, speaking of." He ruffled your own (h/c) hair, "maybe you should dye your hair."

"Nope," you stuck your tongue out at him, "you make up for my lack of color."

"A physical characteristic. Of all things." He sighed.

"I'm just kidding." You laughed and hugged him, "I really love how calm and cool you are. Things rarely get you all riled up and angry, and whenever I'm panicking you're always there with some meditation technique that works every time."

"Aww, that's so much nicer than I'm a blueberry." He put a hand to his heart.

"Next question!" you nearly screeched out, "what's my shoe size? He is a size 10." You poked his sock-covered foot.

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