[Nathaniel x fem!Reader] Tomato Face

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Requested by: JapanLover17 on Quotev

AN: Wanted to try writing in an epistolary fashion! Uh, sorry that Nathaniel is a bit OOC, and I kind of deviated a bit from what you requested. I hope it's alright!

Dear Diary.

Nathaniel Kurtzberg is the prettiest boy I have ever met, and nobody can convince me otherwise. Not even Adrien Agreste. He is also an insanely talented artist. Even if he doesn't believe he is. And...he just happens to be the one person in the entire school who stole my heart. He is just, so wonderful to be around. He's so sweet and kind. Okay, so I'm crushing on him. So what? It's not like he likes me. He never could. Could he? No, stop, stop getting your hopes up. Why would he like me? I'm just, normal. I don't run a famous blog about Ladybug like Alya. I'm not loved by everyone in the school like Marinette. I'm not sweet and adorable like Mylène. I'm not rich like Chloe. Okay, maybe not the best comparison. I wouldn't want to be like Chloe. I'm not an artist like Alix. Yeah, those two would get together. Both of them are artists. They'd do art together. Me? Well, I just like to vegetate and binge watch Netflix and YouTube. Maybe I could become a superhero! Like Ladybug and Chat Noir! Maybe then I'd have something interesting in my life. I'd be able to practically fly around Paris saving people. People would love me! I'd be a hero! But then...what if I didn't have the time to watch all of Jacksepticeye's videos? That'd be so bad! Miss Bustier told us to read Le Petite Prince and to compare that to the movie. Ugh. I don't want to do this. It's a book for children! Well, I'm going to binge My Hero Academia.



To: This notebook that is definitely not my diary,

(y/n) is really nice. Pretty. Wonderful. Kind. Lovely. What is a crush? Is it normal to get butterflies in your stomach whenever you walk by a person? Why is my face always red whenever I'm near (y/n)? Why is it that I want her to notice me, but at the same time, I don't want her to notice me because what if she sees me doing something weird and concludes that I am weird? Is it weird that I want to draw her? But what if she notices me staring at her? That'd be so awkward. It's not like when I draw Ladybug. I don't have to stare at Ladybug to draw her. I can just look at a picture, but with (y/n)...what if I took a picture of her? Then used that as reference? No, that's even weirder. Then I just have a random picture of her on my phone. What if she sees? She'd definitely think I was a weirdo. Maybe Alix would know the answer to all of these questions. She's a girl. No, that's a bad idea. I don't think Alix has a crush on anybody. She wouldn't know. Why is human interaction so hard? It's not like a drawing where you can plan out what happens and if you make a mistake you can erase it and it's gone. Is this a crush? Is this what they call loving someone? But who wouldn't like (y/n)? She's got a beautiful smile. She's very pretty. She's very nice and kind to everyone. She's almost like an angel. Oh....



To: This notebook that is definitely not my diary,

Mayday! Mayday! I told Alix about my feelings for (y/n), I don't know why I did it. It just happened. We were talking and it just-AH! Good news, Alix didn't laugh at me. Bad new, Alix called me "whipped." She said that I'm totally head over heels for her and that I should tell her how I feel, but how am I supposed to do that? I'm nowhere near (y/n) in the day. It's always been from afar. Watching. Oh no that sounds like I'm a stalker! She definitely thinks I'm a weirdo now! She's some ethereal being, no way I could approach her. Maybe I could talk to one of her friends. Yeah, that would work. But, if I'm near one of her friends, what if I accidentally spill how much I'm in love with (y/n) and they tell her and then she thinks I'm a weirdo! Maybe I'll get Alix to talk to her. But then, what if she thinks I'm a jerk because I don't even talk to her? What if she thinks that I think that I'm too good for her? No way, she's way out of my league. There's no way she could like someone like me.

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