A Note about Requests

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Aaa, sorry for another separate author's note, this became lengthier than I wanted at the beginning of a chapter.

Sooo, I underestimated how many requests I still have left, and I do want to start wrapping up this book. I've noticed that a couple people who've requested things from me have sort of left the platform (hnngh, this is what happens when you have year+ old requests), so I just want to make sure that the requests I'm writing still have the requester waiting for it. Especially for some of the harder requests.

If you have requested a story from me and are still waiting for it, please leave a comment or message me telling me so, that way I'll make sure I'll get to it! For requests that don't get any response, I'll assume the requester is no longer interested.

Time frame for this is until I mark the story as complete. Some requests look like fun and I'll write regardless of if I get a response or not, so I'll start working on them as I wait for requesters' response. (As a side note, requests are still closed.)

To help remind you if you've requested or not, here is a list of the people's requests I have noted. It is possible that I've missed your request, so if I did, please let me know! Thanks for reading this! <3













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