[Queen Bee x Male! Reader] Rescuer

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AN: Aaaaa this was a huge challenge for me. >.< I'm not super happy about it, but I can't really think of anything else.

Mayhem. That was probably the easiest way to describe the state of Paris at this moment. People were screaming and running away, desperately trying to get away from the latest akumatized villain. And you...weren't one of those people. Instead, you were drawn like a moth to a flame into the action. You wanted to see what was happening, be in the action, feel that thrill...but, you were just another normal citizen. You trusted Ladybug and Chat Noir though, even if you were to get hurt, they'd fix everything like it never even happened.

"What do we have here?" you took a startled step back as the villain suddenly appeared in your face.

"A human." You deadpanned.

The villain let out a giggle, "I like you. I might just," the villain's neck gave an unsettling pop as he turned his head, "play with you."

"Hey!" the two of you looked up to see Ladybug poised on a lamppost looking down, "it's not him you want to bother."

"You don't know that," the villain replied childishly before grabbing onto you.

"Woah there," you tried to push against him but his grip was surprisingly strong, "if you could let go of me, that'd be great."

"I will not," the villain responded before bounding away with Ladybug hot on his heels. You sighed as you were jostled along, when you wanted to get into the action, you didn't think that would include getting kidnapped. To your dismay, as the villain continued bounding away on the roofs of Paris, you saw Ladybug falling behind before jumping away in a completely different direction. "Guess Paris' little superhero can't save everyone." The villain giggled. You furrowed your brow, maybe he was right. Ladybug is just one person, she can't save everyone every time, that's just...impossible, right?

In no time, the villain arrived at his secret base. "Where to put you, where to put you," he murmured, "ah!" he pointed his finger into the corner and a cell came into existence with a flurry of black shapes. "Don't cause any trouble now," he sang at you before effortlessly tossing you into the cage.

"Hey!" you shouted indignantly and ran up to exit the cage but with another wave of his finger a large lock formed over the door, trapping you. "I guess I know now why your stripes match that of a criminal," you smirked.

"Shut your mouth before I put bars over it!" he screamed. You rolled your eyes but shut your mouth anyway. You needed to figure out a way to get out of here.


Turns out there was nothing you could use. You found yourself sitting dejectedly in the corner, waiting for some miracle to happen.

"Nowhere to run now Barbarian!" you perked up when you heard Ladybug's voice moments before she crashed into the room. "Save the civilian!" she pointed to you and a second, yellow and black, superhero came through the ceiling towards you.

"Who are you?" you questioned the new person, not out of animosity, but out of curiosity. She was someone you hadn't seen before.

"I'm Queen Bee," she replied happily, "stand back, I'm going to break you out. Venom!" she called out and the spinning top in her hand transformed into a throbbing stinger that she punched into the lock. It shattered and broke apart, allowing the door to swing open, and freeing you.

You smiled as you ran forward out of the cell, "thank you."

"Just doing my job!" she grinned, "now let's get you out of here!" she threw her spinning top up through the roof where she and Ladybug crashed through, and took a firm hold around your waist. Unlike the villain from before, her hold was a lot more comforting, but still strong enough to keep a steady hold on you as the two of you flew out of the building before leaping away, Queen Bee using her spinning top as extra help between the farther buildings. "Where am I taking you?"

"The 15ѐme district." You responded, not fearing revealing where you lived to a superhero. She gave a firm nod and continued carrying you back to your home. "I never imagined I'd be seeing Paris from above like this," you mused aloud as you leapt from building to building.

She nodded, "it's pretty awesome."

"There." You pointed to a simple white building with multiple balconies on it, showing how it was an apartment complex of sorts. She responded and landed on the gray roof before letting go of you. "Will I be seeing you around again?" you questioned the yellow and black superhero before she could leave.

"We'll see," she grinned coyly, "I've got to go help Ladybug now." She tossed her top and flew back in the direction that you came from.

You gave her a wave and she waved back, when she was out of sight you leaned heavily against the door leading to a set of stairs. Your heart was hammering in your chest and you could feel a warmth in your face, "I hope to see you again, Queen Bee."

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