[Kim x fem!Reader] Awkward Movie Dates

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Requested by: YaGirlAlms112 on Quotev

AN: Sorry it's been forever since I updated, I had a super hard time writing this. >.< Hope it's all right!

You sighed dreamily as you watched Kim exercise in the sunny courtyard below through a window. You were seated at a small table with two chairs on opposite sides with a book open in front of you. The view was just an added bonus. What? You weren't a stalker. He was in a public place, and so were you, and you were just observing him...yeah....

"Hello? Hey, (y/n). (y/n)!" you jumped and looked up as your best friend (f/n) poked your shoulder. S/he looked down at you with a frown on his/her face.

"Yeah?" you leaned back onto the wall so you could look up at (f/n) a little easier, "what's up?"

"I should be asking you that." S/he gestured out the window, "were you stalking Kim again?"

"What?" you gasped, "no way! I was just reading." You held up the open book that was on the table. (f/n) still looked unamused. "Ugh, fine," you shut the book that you really had started reading, you just got distracted. "You caught me, now what?"

"Girl," (f/n) rolled his/her eyes, "pull. Yourself. Together." S/he clapped his/her hands with every word.

"But it's love!" you cooed and stood up to dramatically spin like they do in musicals, "it's everything it's written like but more!" you held your book close to your chest, "blushing face, racing heart, wanting to be near, constant awe! (f/n)," you grabbed his/her hands, "I'm in love!"

(f/n) pulled his/her hands out of your grasp, "what is this?" s/he asked in disgust, "a musical?"

"Don't be a grinch," you whined and spun around happily again, "let me be happy and free!"

"Alright," (f/n) grabbed your arm to stop you from spinning around and yanked your book out of your hands only to smack you over the head with it.

"Ow," you frowned and rubbed your head, "rude."

(f/n) gave you a deadpanned look, "are you done?"

You sighed and heavily sat back down, "you could at least try to be supportive." You pouted.

(f/n) sat down in the chair across from you, "staring at him from afar and making the world a musical is not going to help."

"It's better than anything you've suggested," you frowned.

"Actually," (f/n) took out his/her phone and unlocked it, "that's why I needed to get your attention." S/he put the phone on the table, spun it 180 degrees so it was facing you, and pushed it towards you. "I've got something for you."

You picked up the phone to look at the text on the screen, it seemed to be a schedule of some sorts, and it was full of exercises. Definitely not (f/n)'s schedule, and you could connect the dots. You looked up from the screen and gave (f/n) an even look, "you're even more of a stalker than me."

(f/n)'s face flushed a bit at being called a stalker, "actually, Max gave it to me." S/he said as s/he took back his/her phone.

"And...what do you want me to do with this information?" you looked at (f/n) in confusion.

"Meet up with him and declare your undying love." (f/n) shrugged.

You nearly shrieked, "that's not how it works! That never happens in real life! That only happens in stories!"

(f/n) smirked at you, "and staring at him from afar is definitely going to work."

"Ugh," you groaned and shoved your face into your hands, "it at least makes me less of a fool than your plan."

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