[Alix x Reader] Skating My Way into Your Heart

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"Hey (y/n)," you looked up to see your pink haired girlfriend.

You grinned and set down your pencil, "what's up Alix?" you always loved seeing her. It was almost like her pink hair served as a highlighter to your day.

You noticed her blue eyes dart to the side nervously before she asked, "would you like to go skating later today?"

"As a date?" you questioned with a tilt of your head, you guessed that was the reason for her nervousness. It was adorable, even though the two of you had been dating for a couple of months she was still awkward when it came to anything related to love, but that was okay. You'd wait for her.

She blushed when you caught on immediately, "yeah." Was her muttered reply into her jacket.

"Of course I'd love to go," you told her reassuringly even though your heart was pounding with even more nervousness than what she showed earlier, "I'll always make time for you."

Your words seemed to have done their job as relief shone on Alix's face and she smiled her bright smile that you loved, "awesome. I can meet you at the front steps?"

"Sounds like a plan!" you nodded in agreeance and she leaned down to give you a quick kiss on the cheek before bounding off to whatever she was doing. You smiled as you watched her go and when she was gone your smile became worried. You had never gone skating in your life before.


The two of you were seated at one of the many benches in the indoor skating rink. It was loud with music and kids screaming, and the lights were dimmed so that the colorful lights provided most of the light in the area. You were tying the rental skates as tight as you could while Alix pulled on her own green and black blades.

"Ready?" Alix's blue eyes seemed to gleam with excitement as she stood up on the carpeted floor.

You nervously looked down at your feet and gulped, "um."

She crouched in concern to get closer to your level, "are you okay? You seem a little off."

You were flattered that she could tell, but was still preoccupied with what felt like impending doom, "I don't know how to skate." You whispered, as if saying it quieter would make it better.

"Sorry?" she leaned down even closer as a kid ran by, screaming.

"I don't know how to skate." You repeated, louder this time but still without looking at her.

You didn't see it, but her concerned look softened, "don't worry. I'll make sure you don't fall," she crouched down so she could look up at your ducked head and you saw her blue eyes brimming with concern, "or at least, try to."

You smiled at that comment and you could see Alix start to reciprocate that smile, "well, we're here anyways." She stood up and held her hands out for you to grab onto them, "shall we start?" Shakily, you took hold of her hands and together, you got up to your feet.

"Oh dear ladybug," you muttered to yourself as you clutched onto Alix for dear life as the two of you slowly made your way to the rink.

"Don't worry (y/n)," Alix told you reassuringly as you made it to the entrance to the smoother rink, "I promise everything will be all right. The worst that can happen is you get a couple bruises."

You nodded and felt encouraged by her words as you took a step onto the wooden rink, and promptly your foot slid out from underneath you. Luckily, Alix was able to grab your arm and keep you from falling completely on your bottom, but your bottom was still inches from the ground. "See," she gave you an upside down smile as you looked up at her, "not too bad." With a solid heave, Alix got you back upright on your skates and joined you on the rink. "That was the hard part."

"I don't know if that makes me feel any better," you confessed as you took a couple tentative steps to get out of the way of the entrance. The younger kids who were zooming back and forth and practically leaping out of the rink made you nervous.

Alix started skating backwards and held both of your hands to help guide you around the rink. "Just let your skates relax, I'll move us for now so you can get used to it." You nodded and stared down at your feet as Alix rolled the two of you along the side of the rink. "How are you feeling?" she asked after a couple minutes of skating in silence.

"Better," you nodded and took the chance to look up at her, "sorry for making this kind of lame for you."

"No! Don't worry about it!" she continued to reassure you as the two of you continued skating, "this is fun! I get to teach you something that I really enjoy!" she glanced behind her just to make sure the two of you didn't run into a wall.

"Yeah but-"

"Don't worry about it," she cut you off with a soft look on her face, "seriously."

You nodded, "okay."

"Ready to try moving your skates?"

You gave her a determined nod and tried to push off the ground with one skate, but ended up slipping and crashing into Alix, bringing the two of you down to the ground with a big crash. "Oh my gosh are you okay?" you asked as you tried to get off of Alix.

She let out a laugh, "don't worry about me. I've fallen at least three times as hard as that," she was the first to get back to her feet (you were struggling to get your feet underneath you) and she helped you back onto your feet. "You okay?"

You took a deep breath, "you're a good cushion, you know that?" you tried to joke even though your hand was definitely hurting.

It worked as she let out another laugh, "good to know. Ready to try again?"


It took at least half an hour, but you managed to figure out how to skate on your own and you and Alix spent the time skating in circles around the rink, holding hands. You were still taking little baby strides, but the two of you found a rhythm that worked for the both of you. "I love you." Alix broke the comfortable silence and you tripped on your skate, "woah!" Alix somehow managed to grab onto you and keep you from going 'splat' on your face, "you good?"

"You love me?" you couldn't help but sputter in shock as you looked at Alix, who was still holding you up. You didn't know if your legs could still hold you up at this point, you were in so much shock your knees seemed to have turned to jelly.

Even in the dim lighting, you could see her blushing, "um, yeah. I think I do."

"Glad my bad skating doesn't scare you away." You joked.

She smiled, "on the contrary, it just makes you even more adorable," she leaned in to give you a kiss but was crashed into from behind and the two of you fell to the ground. The two of you looked up to see a kid speeding to the other side of the rink, completely oblivious to what he had just done. "Kids." She muttered darkly as she glared at said person.

"Let's try that again," you grinned as you gave her a kiss on the cheek facing you.

She turned to look at you with a jokingly confused face, "even on the ground you missed?" she asked and it was your turn to look at her in confusion. But that quickly morphed into understanding when she leaned in to give you a kiss on the lips.

"I love you too."

AN: Eek I didn't mean to disappear like that. >.< I just realized some of these requests are over a year old. *Sweats* I'll try to finish them as fast as I can! Also, I know the emojis are skateboards. It was either that or ice skates and I felt like the skateboards fit Alix better. ^^;

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