[Nathaniel/Evillustrator x fem!Reader] Standing Up

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You bit your lip as Ms. Mendeleev scolded Nathaniel again. What an awful teacher. It pained you to hear Nathaniel being called out like that. Not just because he was completely innocent, but also because a small part of you, okay, a large part of you, had a crush on him, and it hurt you to see your crush in pain.

"Go to the Principal's office now!" you covered your ears and closed your eyes. No. You couldn't bear to listen to this for any longer.

There was a thud that you felt through your elbows that were resting on your desk, and then the class was laughing. So loud that even though you tried, you couldn't mute them out. You looked up to see Nathaniel sprawled on the floor with his drawings scattered in front of him, and Chloe standing victoriously in front of him. Of course. You looked away again. You couldn't bear it. She was such a bully, but you were too afraid to stand up and do anything.

You felt the door to the room slam shut and Ms. Mendeleev strode to the front as if nothing had happened. You hated this class. "The next particle physics presentation group is Nino, Adrien and Alya. And the last group is a group of four with Sabrina, Chloe, Marinette, and (y/n)." You tried hard not to groan out loud, at least Marinette was in your group.

The bell rang to end class and you caught up to Marinette, "at least you're in my group," you smiled at the blue haired girl, "I don't know what I would've done if I was stuck with Sabrina and Chloe on my own."

She smiled back at you, "I'm glad you're in my group too."

When the two of you entered the locker room, Sabrina's voice seemed to be the only one talking, "okay that's fine! We'll do the work, don't worry!"

You and Marinette exchanged glances, and without pausing, Marinette walked straight up to them with you following quickly behind, "is everything okay?"

Chloe sighed and rolled her eyes, "it's fine Marinette."

"Well then why can't you help us with the project?" Marinette continued to press.

"It's none of your business Miss Nosy." Chloe snapped and shoved a finger at Marinette.

Marinette wasn't having any of Chloe's sass and snapped back with venom in her voice, "actually, since I'm part of this group it is."

"I don't see (y/n) complaining about it," Chloe directed her blue gaze to you and you tried to shrink back, "maybe you should learn from her and deal with it."

"I agree with Marinette," you squeaked, having lost your voice under the harsh scrutiny of the blond haired girl.

"It's okay Marinette, (y/n)," Sabrina smiled and put a hand on Marinette's shoulder, "the three of us can do the research, and the writing and, Chloe can present it." You frowned, Sabrina was a little too sweet for her own good. "That way, it's equal!"

Marinette frowned even more than you, "that's not equal at all." She furrowed her brows and glared at Chloe, "is that how you two work?"

"Yeah!" Sabrina replied happily, "we've been doing this ever since grade school when I started doing Chloe's homework! And we've been BFFs ever since!"

"You got a problem with that?" Chloe asked snarkily, she turned to Sabrina, "come on Sabrina."

Before she could move, Marinette grabbed Sabrina's shoulder, "Sabrina, Chloe's totally taking advantage of you. You don't have to do what she says, that's not how a real best friend acts!"

"Not only am I Sabrina's best friend," Chloe grabbed the orange haired girl to stand next to her, "I'm her only friend." Chloe's voice hardened, "so she better do what I say because without me, she has nothing." You watched Sabrina's face fall throughout Chloe's shpiel.

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