[Chat Blanc x YouTuber!Fem! Reader] A Purrfect Video

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AN: I hope you don't mind that I added some things to your request! Also, I'm not really familiar with the whole akumatized chat noir headcanon that seems to be a thing in the fandom? So I tried my best. ^^;

"Hello to all you lovely beans!" you smiled into the camera, "today I thought I'd do a little vlog of Paris! In case you didn't know, I live in Paris. Surprise?" you gave the camera a quirky confused look. "So without further ado, lessgo!" You stopped the camera, turned the camera to the ground, and filmed you walking out of the door and locking it behind you, because, montage. You continued to film the ground as you walked down the stairs and out into the streets.

You stopped the camera again before turning it to your face. "So, storytime," you smiled, "a special thing about Paris is that we have our own superheroes! No, I'm not talking about Ironman or Aquaman, I mean real people. Ladybug and Chat Noir!" you cried triumphantly, "recently we've had a few more superheroes join the mix, Queen Bee, Rena Rouge, and Carapace!" you listed on your fingers, "these guys protect us from akumatized people." You tilted your head to the side as you thought about it, "I don't exactly know how people become akumatized, but they're always normal citizens. Luckily, I've never been akumatized," you grinned.

"So yeah! Every now and then we'll see a supervillain being chased by Ladybug or Chat Noir, it's always super cool and-oh my gosh!" you frantically turned the camera around to catch Chat Noir jumping from rooftop to rooftop followed by Ladybug. When they were out of sight you excitedly turned the camera back around to you, "did you guys see that?" you asked excitedly, "that was Chat Noir and Ladybug! They were heading in the direction of the Eiffel Tower, which just so happens to be where I want to take you guys today. So let's book it and see if we can catch them again!" you smiled excitedly into the camera before you turned it off and stowed it safely into your bag.

Once you were satisfied that everything was secure, you hurried down the street and into the subway station. You quickly scanned your pass to enter the terminal and hopped on one of the trains heading towards the Eiffel Tower. As you waited to arrive, you subtly filmed yourself as you looked out dramatically through the window. Montage.

When you arrived at your stop, you practically leapt out of the train and bounded up the steps. You began to walk towards the Eiffel Tower while trying to avoid as many tourists as you could. You found a rock wall that was away from the main throng of people and leapt onto it to sit on it. "Well," you declared to your camera once you had it on and facing you, "I don't see them anywhere. It's possible that they already defeated the villain, the Eiffel Tower isn't really that close to where I live." Out of the corner of your eye you noticed someone sit down next to you, but you wanted to finish your thought first, "they are really good at what they do, so I wouldn't be surprised if they're already finished."

You looked to the person who sat down next to you and nearly had a heart attack, "Chat Noir?" you gasped.

"The one and only," he grinned.

"Wow," you gaped, "this is incredible."

He gave you a cocky smirk, "not as incredible as you."

Your jaw dropped, was he...flirting with you? "I..."

"Come on," he grabbed you by the waist before leaping away, the entire time you were screaming and desperately clutching onto your camera. It was expensive, no way were you going to lose that. He stopped on a rooftop and let you down to your feet.

"What's happening?" you managed to splutter out as you held your head from the motion sickness.

"You don't like it?" he purred.

Your face turned red at his voice. Yes, you were enjoying time with Chat Noir, but you were extremely confused, and something about him seemed a little...off. "No! I mean yes! I mean," you looked at him pleadingly, "I'm confused."

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