[Ivan X Reader] Sweets

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Requested by: Rhythmgoddess on Quotev

AN: I hope you like it! Haha, this is probably the fluffiest thing I've written. The stories keep getting shorter >.<

"Hello Ivan!" you greeted as the two of you met at the stairs in front of the school.

"Hi (y/n)." He smiled in return, "what do you want to do today?"

You frowned as you thought about it for a moment, but your face brightened exponentially when you had an idea, "let's go get some sweets! Like ice cream? Or maybe something from the bakery? Like macaroons! Or cupcakes!" you declared excitedly.

"What do you want?" Ivan questioned.

You gaped at him, "you're making me choose? No, it's your turn! I'm just suggesting things!" you pouted. It's not that you didn't like Ivan, in fact, it was the exact opposite. The two of you had been dating for a couple months by this point and things were all smooth sailing.

"I'm going to choose what you want." Ivan declared, "you sounded like you wanted to go to the bakery?"

"Sure!" you agreed with a smile.

"Then off we go!" he pointed dramatically in the direction of the bakery which caused both of you to laugh.

"Onwards my noble steed!" you added. The two of you held hands and walked through the streets of Paris to find yourself some sweets. "Hey Ivan?"


"Do you even like sweets? I don't think I've even seen you eat a chocolate bar." You frowned as you thought of something, "are you only eating sweets because I like them?"

"Of course not," he looked down at you in worry, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just want to make sure I'm not being too pushy." You sheepishly answered.

"You're never too pushy," he reassured you, "I'm more of a jellybeans sort of person." He gave you a bright smile and you felt all of your concerns melt away.

"Do you want to get jellybeans instead? Those are good too!"

He shook his head, "we're here anyway," he gestured to the bakery door and led the way in.

"Ooh, how about a fruit tart?" you gushed as soon as you saw all of the pastries the bakery had to offer, "or a chocolate croissant? Would you prefer fruits or chocolate Ivan?"

"I have no preference." He smiled as he watched you excitedly jump around the bakery looking at all the sweets.

"You said you liked jellybeans right?" you confirmed with a finger thoughtfully up to your mouth.

"Yeah." He nodded.

Your face brightened as you came to a conclusion, "excuse me." You caught the attention of the baker.

"Hello!" the man smiled, "what can I get for you today?"

"A fruit tart please!" you told him as you pointed to said treat. He bent down to get it out of the case, took it out, and put it in a small paper box to help maintain its shape.

"Anything else?" he questioned.

"Nope, that'll be it." He went to the register and punched in the total for you and you gave him the money. "Thank you for shopping with us."

"Thank you!" you took the box from him and turned around to leave the bakery, on the way out, you grabbed Ivan's hand, "where do you want to go to eat this?" you lifted up the box to gesture to the tart.

"There are plenty of parks. We'll just go to one of those." Ivan answered.

"Okay!" you linked arms with him, "lead the way!" the two of you cheerfully made your way to the park; you talking animatedly and Ivan listening to you with a smile. "Should we sit under that tree?" you pointed to a place in the grass that was shielded by a tall tree with large leaves.

"Looks good." Ivan nodded and that's where you ended up. You plopped down onto the ground and patted the ground next to you for Ivan to sit. Eagerly, you opened up the box to reveal the pastry. The baker was kind enough to slip in a plastic fork into the box, which you were grateful for, because you did not think about that.

"Here, I'll feed you." You told Ivan as you broke the pastry crust to get a bite of the fruit and crust onto the fork.

"You paid for it, you should have the first bite." Ivan shook his head.

"Say 'ah!'" you held the fork up to his face, completely ignoring his comment. He sighed but relented so you could feed the sweet food to him. "Is it good?" you asked him eagerly.

He nodded, "yup, my turn." He held his hands out for the fork and box, and you handed it over. He too took a piece onto the fork and held it up for you to eat, which you did.

"Mmm!" your eyes widened in delight as you ate the sweet, "that is good!"

The two of you joyfully ate the tart together under the tree, "hey Ivan?"


"Love you!" you smiled. He looked momentarily confused until you darted forwards and took the last piece of the tart.

He sighed good naturedly, "love you too (y/n)."

"Yay!" you cheered, "he loves me!"

"Don't be silly, you already knew that." He blushed as you basically shouted your declaration.

"Yeah, I did." You smiled and leaned against him, "but that doesn't mean I don't like saying it out loud."

"Come here you big dork." He laughed and wrapped his arms around you in a hug, which you eagerly returned.

"I really do love you though, it wasn't just a ploy to get the last piece of tart." You grinned.

"Yeah, I know."

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