[Adrien x Hanahaki disease! Fem! Reader] Food Fights

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Warnings: This one is angstier than my other ones~ If you can't handle blood or death, I would skip this one. Lot's of angst, sadness, and major character death!

"Can you hang out after school today?" you asked as you sat down at the table next to Adrien and Nino.

"No," Adrien sadly shook his head, "sorry guys."

"Dude, your dad is totally uncool." Nino pointed a carrot stick at Adrien.

"Nino!" you scolded and attempted to slap his carrot stick out of his hand. You ultimately failed and Nino shot you a smug look, "you can't just say that!"

"His dad is overworking him. Chinese, fencing, modeling, piano," Nino started to list off.

You pouted, "I can't argue with you there. Well," you eagerly turned to Adrien, "what about tomorrow?"

"You should stop getting your hopes up (y/n)," Adrien told you dejectedly, "there's no way he'll allow me to hang out with you guys after school."

"Well then," you turned back to your sandwich, somewhat miffed, "tomorrow we're working on a school project at my house."

"School project?" Adrien and Nino looked at you with bug eyes, "for what class?"

"Cooking." You answered impishly.

"Are you taking a cooking class?" Nino rubbed the back of his neck and pointed uncertainly at Adrien.

Adrien shook his head, "no, are you?"

"It's a ruse guys!" you ended up shouting to them as they didn't get the message, "to convince Adrien's dad to allow him to hang out."

"I don't know," Adrien trailed off, sounding a little uncertain, "I'd love to hang out with you guys, but lie to my dad?"

"It's an emergency extra credit project." You declared dramatically and slammed your hands onto the table.

Adrien still looked unconvinced, "I'll try."


"So?" you asked eagerly the next day, "what'd your dad say?" you, Adrien, and Nino were packing up to go home, and you were hoping that Adrien's father gave the 'OK.'

"He said it's fine." Adrien smiled.

"Yes!" you cheered.

"Aw man," Nino grumbled.

"What?" you froze in your tracks to look at said person who was looking down at his phone.

"Emergency babysitting," he grumbled, "sorry, but I think it's just going to be you guys."

"That sucks!" you whined, "can't you get Alya to do it? This is like the one chance we get to hang out!"

Nino looked uncomfortable, "I'm sorry guys. Have fun doing your cooking project." He gave you and Adrien a wave before running out of the school.

You looked up to the blond boy next to you, "guess it's just you and me."

"Yep." Adrien agreed.

"Come on, we'll head over to my place."


"The legion of (y/n) declares war on the troops of Adrien!" you shouted across the kitchen island with a colander over your head.

"What?" Adrien asked in confusion but upon seeing you holding a handful of flour in one hand and a ladle in the other held the cookie sheet in front of him like a shield.

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