Hot Chocolate - Younger! Gabriel x Male! Reader

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AN: This is set in the past before Gabriel gets married. Also, sorry this is so short!

"You're still awake?" you looked up to see Gabriel in the doorway looking at you disapprovingly, "what is this, the third night in a row?"

You groaned and tiredly ran your hands through your hair, "yeah."

He sighed and sat down next to you, "you know this isn't healthy."

"It's just once in a while," you stretched in your chair and winced when your back cracked multiple times. You gave a wry smile, "it needs to be perfect."

He leaned over your shoulder to look at what you were working on, "what do you mean? It's already perfect," he reached down to pick up a few pieces of paper. On it were multiple designs for a red-carpet worthy suit.

You frowned, "you're biased."

"No I'm not," he replied.

"Yeah you are."

He set down the paper and rested his hands on your back, "you have so many knots in your back," he murmured and began rubbing your back to help you get out the knots.

"No," you feebly tried to swat him away, but feeling him rub out the stress out of your back felt really good.

"Come," he spun the chair around and gently took your hands to pull you out of your chair, "you need a break. Do you want hot chocolate?"

You sighed, but relented, "that sounds awesome." You gave him a smile. He smiled back and led the way into the kitchen.

"I still think your work is amazing," he continued as he poured some milk into a cup. You took a seat at one of the barstools by the counter.

"Biased," you shot back with a smile.

"Would I ever lie to you?" he questioned sincerely and placed the cup in the microwave.

"No," you murmured back and awkwardly drew shapes on the counter.

He leaned across the counter to look at you, "you're being too hard on yourself. Take a break, and you'll come back refreshed." The microwave beeped and he took out the steaming mug. He placed it on the counter in front of the microwave, and ripped open a packet of hot chocolate mix before pouring it in and stirring it with a spoon, "sorry, we only have Swiss Miss." He apologized as he handed you the cup.

You breathed in the warm chocolatey scent, "it's no worry. I wasn't expecting anything more," you held the mug in between your hands and sighed in relief when you felt the warm mug. "Thank you," you told him before bringing the mug to your lips to take a sip. "Mmm, this is really good."

He furrowed his brows, "seriously? It's just packet hot chocolate. You deserve better."

You laughed, "you flatter me."

"Just you wait," he went around the counter to encase you in a hug while rocking slowly back and forth, "the two of us will get big, and then I'll finally be able to get you what you deserve."

You hummed, "assuming we'll still be together."

Gabriel froze, "are you suggesting something?"

"No no!" you panicked and set your mug down so you could turn to look at him, "I'm mostly worried about if your mom will allow us to be together," you fiddled with your shirt, "I know she's not totally," you paused to find the right word, "open-minded."

"Don't worry about her," he reassured, "as long as we love each other, that's all that should matter, right?"

You gave him a firm nod, "yes." You smiled and leant into another hug, "I love you so much, I hope you know that."

You heard him chuckle and he rubbed circles into your back, "I love you too."

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