[Luka X Fem! Reader] Red Faced and Running Away

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Requested by: ZingyZing on Quotev

Your head nodded along with the music coming from your ear buds. It was the music from one of the coolest people in your school (aside from Adrien, but he's a couple years below so that doesn't count). Luka Couffaine.

"Hey (y/n), (y/n). (y/n)!" a hand tapped you on your shoulder and you jolted to look at the person who was trying to get your attention.

"Oh hey (f/n)." You pulled the ear buds off, "what's up?"

(f/n) smiled slyly at you, "are you listening to a certain blue haired boy's music."

"So what if I am?" you retorted.

"Hey Luka!" (f/n) shouted and waved a hand to get said person's attention.

"What are you doing?" you hissed and grabbed onto (f/n)'s hand to stop them from waving it around. They just ignored your protest and waved with their other hand.

Luka noticed and started to walk over to the two of you, "hey guys. What's up?"

"(y/n) was just listening to your music, and she was just telling me how awesome your music was. Right?" (f/n) looked at you and nudged your shoulder.

"Eep." You declared and hid behind (f/n).

Luka laughed, "well thanks for the support (y/n). I'm going to go hide from fangirls now if that's alright."

"Of course, see you later!" (f/n) waved and Luka disappeared to who knows where. "Girl!" (f/n) scolded and turned to you, "why are you hiding from him?"

"He's just so awesome! He's on an entirely different level from me. No way I could talk to a guy like him!" you explained.

"But he talked to you, so..."

"Let's just get to class." You turned away from her and hurried to your class.

(f/n) ran up next to you and sang in your ear, "(y/n) and Luka sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-"

"What are you, 10?" you demanded but your face was definitely a bit redder than it was before.


"Luka!" you and (f/n) were sitting down to eat lunch when (f/n) practically screamed Luka's name across the cafeteria.

"What are you doing?" you asked in a hushed panic, "you can't invite him! I turn into a nervous wreck every time I'm even near him!"

"Oh look, he's coming over." (f/n) smiled, "and it looks like he's bringing his food too."

"Hi (y/n), hi (f/n)." Luka greeted and sat down across from you, "how's your day been?"

You froze and you could definitely feel your face heat up, "I- excuse me." You stuttered before running out of the cafeteria.

"Does she hate me?" Luka asked (f/n) worriedly.

"Of course she doesn't," (f/n) reassured him, "she's just a blubbering adorable mess when you're around her."

Luka let out a small laugh, "cute."


It was after school and all you wanted to do was to go home and relax...and definitely ignore your homework for as long as possible. "Hey (y/n)!" your head jolted up as you heard your name be called. You looked around and your face almost paled when you realized it was Luka who was waving to get your attention.

"I, uh," you quickly turned away from him and ran down the street. Hopefully he didn't see you look back at him. You ran around the corner and hid against it, after a few moments of nobody running past the corner looking for you, you breathed a sigh of relief.

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