[Max X fem! Reader] Video Games

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"How are you beating me?" you cried out as your avatar suffered blow after blow. "I'm button mashing as much as you!" You were playing Ultimate Mecha Strike III with Max at his place. When you told him the other day that you had never played before, he insisted that you come over so he could teach you.

"I am not button mashing." He countered, "I am pressing the buttons in a calculated manner at a rapid pace."

"No, you're button mashing." You disagreed but sighed as his character dealt the finishing blow. "Again?" you groaned, "have you been practicing without me?"

"I told you, I want to be the representative of our school for the Ultimate Mecha Strike III tournament." He pushed his glasses onto his face, "again?" he questioned and held up his controller.

"Maybe R2D3 isn't my character." You mused as the character selection screen loaded up. "Oh who am I kidding?" you threw your hands up into the air and fell backward on the cushion that you were sitting on. "I suck at this game!"

"You don't suck," Max turned around to give you an encouraging look, "you just need to learn the secrets. For one, you should definitely use your specials more often."

"I'm tired," you whined, "I need a cookie."

"If it's sugar that you're craving, fruits would do much better than a cookie." He told you.

"But cookies are comfort foods. Fruits are lame comfort foods." You frowned.

"Okay come on," he sighed with a smile before standing up, "let's get you a cookie." He held out a hand for you to take so you could get up on your feet.

"Yay!" you cheered and jumped up. "To the cookies!" you cried out excitedly and ran out of the room. Max chuckled and was about to follow you when you rushed back into the room, "where are these cookies?" you asked sheepishly. You might've just took off down the hall of Max's house with no idea of where you were going.

Max laughed, "come on. I'll show you."


"I still don't understand." You looked at Max blankly. He had just gone over which buttons did what moves and in what order you should do them for optimal attacks. In all honesty, you were getting super frustrated at yourself. Why were you having such a hard time with this?

"Here, let me show you." Max settled down next to you and held the controller, and your hands, in his hands.

"Uh, what are you doing?" you asked him while your face probably resembled a pomegranate.

"Helping you figure out which buttons to push." He answered simply as if he had no idea what was weird about this situation. He used the controller in your hands to change the screen so it was you versus the computer, instead of another person.

"Uhhh." You didn't know what to do. You might have been harboring feelings for him for quite a while now. He was just so smart, and such a good friend. You were so concentrated on trying to reduce your pomegranate-like state that you didn't even realize that the match was over and you won.

"Do you get it now?" Max asked.

"Uhh," you felt like your tongue had just gotten bitten by a bee, "I think I need to get some water." You stuttered as you untangled yourself from Max and ran out of the room. You leaned on the cool wall just outside of the room. You just needed to get out of there, and you felt like if you tried to find the kitchen you'd get lost. Probably.

"It didn't work Kim." You heard Max's voice and you deduced he was probably on the phone with said person. "She just ran out." There was a pause, "you think I should just outright tell her?" Max sounded flabbergasted, "I can't just do that. She probably doesn't like me back." You bit down a squeal. Max reciprocated your feelings. Perhaps you should try to relieve him of his anxiety. Quietly, you opened the door again and snuck up on Max. Without warning, you threw your arms around him in a hug. "Ah! (y/n)! You're back!" he hastily shoved his phone under the cushion, "wait..." you could practically see the gears turning in his head, "did you hear our conversation.

"Maybe." You teased.

His face blanched and he buried his head in his hands, "how much?"

"Just the whole thing," you smiled, "but that's okay!" you added hurriedly as he looked more and more like he wanted to turn into a snail and hide in his shell forever. "I guess you didn't see it, but my face was totally trying to turn into a pomegranate the entire time you were helping me."

His face morphed into one of confusion, "what?"

You coughed awkwardly and tried to fix your mistake, "I like you too." You blurted.

"Yeah, like." He agreed quietly.

"I mean, like-like." You tried to fix your mistake, you groaned and covered your face with your hands, "what are we. Elementary schoolers?"

"You're cute when you get flustered like this." Max laughed, "then I guess it was a good thing that you heard our conversation." You nodded and then leaned in to kiss his cheek. Since you were still draped around his back. "I think you missed." He told you after you kissed his cheek and turned his head a bit more so that you could meet lips.

The two of you could faintly hear Kim shouting for Max from Max's phone.

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