[Luka x Reader] Love's Scenario

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Warnings: Big angst, major character death, hospital scenes. Time skips are defined by stanzas.

You sadly played with the locket hanging from a simple chain from your neck. It was your three year anniversary. Well, it would've been.

"Hey," you felt a gentle hand on your shoulder and looked up to see the concerned face of (friend's name), "do you want me to get you anything?"

You sighed and ungracefully let your face fall into the couch you were sitting on, "is it okay for me to wallow in pity ice cream?" your voice was muffled as you spoke into the soft cushions.

"What flavor?"

You were surprised that (pronoun) totally went with it, but was still thankful nonetheless as you told (pronoun), "(favorite ice cream flavor)."

"I'll be right back," there was some shuffling and the sound of the front door opening and closing. Guess (pronoun) really is going out to get ice cream for you.

You turned your head out from inside the pillow and watched the screen in front of you that was playing compilation after compilation of a certain blue-haired person who stole your heart. "I miss you, Luka."

We were in love and now we broke up

Why did we let go? Where did we go wrong?

Just like a melodrama don't want this trauma

At least you loved me that's all that I need

You grinned as you ran at the back of your boyfriend and launched yourself at him in a hug, "you've been glomped!"

He staggered a bit at your sudden weight, but smiled and gave your head a pat, "how are you today (y/n)?"

"Better now that you're here," you smiled as you looked at your blue sunshine.

His face flushed a little, but he kept his loving gaze on you, "you're so sweet."

You shook your head as you came up with an original retort, "no you."

"Oh no," his eyes narrowed in a warning tone, "we are not starting that today."

"It would be easier if you just accepted it."

He sighed and rubbed your head again, "you're such a dork."

Your smile was still plastered onto your face as you leaned into him, "but you love me anyways."

He let out a soft sigh, "you're right. I do." His soft words made your chest feel warm and fuzzy. You were glad that the two of you were together, he made you so incredibly happy, and you couldn't help but feel a little awestruck every time you thought about how the two of you were together.

We made our own love scenario

You'll be the Juliet I'm Romeo

Now at the final page of the story

Romeo dies cause he loved her fully

"(y/n)!" there was a hushed voice in the darkness and then a couple pebbles were thrown up to a window. After a pause, the figure in the dark tried again and sent some more rocks into the sky. A moment later the window opened and a head popped up.

"What are you doing Luka?" you asked as you looked down at your blue haired boyfriend who was slightly illuminated by the full moon.

He grinned as he looked up at you, "on an adventure. Are you coming?"

"I swear, if you get us into trouble!"

His quiet laugh echoed through the darkness, "my manager would skin me alive if we got into trouble."

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