[Hanahaki! Chat Noir x Reader] Unbroken Flowers

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AN: Soo, it's been a while since I've seen any miraculous episodes, and I realize that there's already a cat blanc episode, but I'm gonna make up a bunch of stuff here and we're gonna stray real far from the canon.

Trigger Warnings: Mentions of blood.

You winced when you saw Chat Noir crash roughly into the light post, "don't use all of your nine lives today kitty!" you teased as you leaped onto the light post he crashed into to follow the akumatized villain. Just another day in Paris fighting villains alongside Chat Noir and Ladybug.

"At least I have nine!" you heard him yell after you.

You let out a laugh at his retort and landed on the roof next to Ladybug, "what's your plan?" you asked her quietly as you stared at the villain through your white mask. There was a light tapping to the other side of you, and you saw Cat Noir land lightly to join you.

Ladybug's blue eyes darted around to assess the situation and she bit her lip, "I don't know."

"Well she's a plant right?" you mused as you stared at the villain. Around her were overgrown roses waving around and causing her to look more like the Kraken than a flower. "Can't we just burn her down."

"And here I thought you were the pacifist," Chat Noir mused with a light voice.

You rolled your eyes at his comment, "that was one time." You remembered the first time you transformed into your swan superhero form, and instead of trying to attack the first villain you saw, you tried to talk to them. Tried to talk them out of being a villain. That ended just about as well as you'd think. You got beaten up. Badly. Luckily for you, Chat Noir and Ladybug swooped in and saved the day. Since then, the three of you have been fighting together to keep Paris safe, and not to be pompous, but you made quite the killer team. "Ladybug?" you looked back over to the black and red superhero, "anything? Lucky Charm?"

She didn't get a chance to respond as a huge, thorny stem that was as thick as the three of you combined crashed into the barrier you were hiding behind and shattered it, sending the three of you flying. "I need time!" Ladybug shouted to you and you gave her a firm nod.

"We've got you!" you told her and grabbed the nearly human-sized fan off your back and in one swift move, opened it and swung it around, sending a huge gust of air towards the villain. She let out a scream, but her roses kept her grounded. "Where is the akuma?" you stared at her, hoping to find something.

"That medallion on her lapel looks promising," Chat Noir told you as he landed next to you.

"Okay," you nodded, "go!" he ran at her and you sent another gust of air towards her and Chat Noir, making him shoot even faster towards her. He grabbed the medal and crushed it...and nothing came out. It was if you were watching in slow motion as a stem wound itself around Chat Noir and caught him. You let out a scream and launched yourself at them, using your fan to give you a boost, and swung your fan around to cut off the stem encasing him. The stem fell away from him and he landed on his feet and leaped away from the villain to stand next to you. "You okay kitty?"

"Good thing this cat always lands on his feet," he grinned in response.

You couldn't help your deadpanned comment, "all cats do." Yet even though you sounded unamused, your lips were curled up in a smile at his comment. You always loved hearing Chat's cat references.

"Chat Noir! Cygne! It's in her watering can!" you looked up to see Ladybug unveil a large blanket from the top of the radio receiver on the roof. It opened up with a loud whoosh and cast the villain into the shadow. She let out a scream as the roses around her stilled from the lack of sunlight.

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