[Chat Noir X Reader] Rooftop Meetings

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Requested by: heartgirl234

"And once again Ladybug and Chat Noir save the day!" you looked in awe at the two superheroes on your TV. They were amazing and pretty much your idols. I mean, why wouldn't they be your idols? They save Paris practically every day!

"Man, how cool would it be if I got to meet them! Especially Chat Noir." You felt your face heat up as you thought of a certain cat superhero, "ahh!" you held your cheeks in your hands and tossed and turned. "I don't have a crush on him." You tried to deny, "for all I know he could be a thirty year old man!"

'You know that doesn't make sense.' Your brain told you, 'he's got way too much energy for a thirty year old man.'

"He's just very active." You argued.

'His voice is a little high.'

"Thirty year old men can have high voices. Ugh! I need some fresh air." You practically threw yourself off of your bed and made your way up the stairs to the roof of the apartment complex your family was living in. You pushed open the heavy metal door to the roof and exited to the cool fresh air. You made your way to the wall on the edge of the roof and let your arms dangle off while you leaned on the wall. Many stories below, you could see cars going and people going through their daily lives. Across the street you saw someone through their window and gave them a cheery wave. They gave a half-hearted wave in return. "Hah, maybe if I created a Chat Noir blog, like Alya's Ladyblog that'd give me an excuse to stalk him. No!" you violently shook your head, "that's weird!"

"What's weird?" you shrieked when you heard the new voice and spun around to look at the roof with your back pressed up against the wall.

"Chat Noir." You couldn't help it as the words tumbled out of your mouth.

"That's me." He grinned, "now what's weird?"

"Ahahaha, nothing, nothing at all." You waved off his question and looked away to try and hide the red glow on your cheeks, "absolutely nothing. Did I mention that it was nothing weird? Yeah, there's nothing weird."

"So what are you doing up here?" he asked and casually walked to where you were standing. Stunned, you watched him walk towards you then sit up on the wall next to you.

"Don't fall off please." You mumbled but then remembered he asked you a question. "Oh! I'm just getting some fresh air up here. It was getting stuffy downstairs." You turned away from him and pressed your hands to your cheeks. Yup, they were burning.

He nodded, "I can see why. All of the people and the cars and tourists. It's not a bad place though."

"Of course not. Just, sometimes you need to get away from it all." You gazed out at the scenery below you again, "what's it like?"

"What's what like?" he questioned in surprise.

"Being a superhero? All of Paris looks up to you." You mused.

He awkwardly laughed, "oh I'm sure not all of Paris. I'm sure all of Paris looks up to Ladybug though." He added quietly.

You looked to your side to see the dejected cat next to you, "if it's any consolation, I prefer you over Ladybug." You grinned.

"You don't need to say that just to make me feel better." He avoided your gaze.

"But it's true!" you protested. You placed your hands on the wall and sat up next to him. The more you talked with him the more you realized how easy it was to talk to him. For a few moments you could forget that he was a celebrity and you were star struck by him and harbored a major crush. "You always have Ladybug's back, I can tell that you're incredibly loyal. Plus, you're super strong! I couldn't imagine being in your position and getting beat up by akumatized villains practically every day."

He looked at you with a smile and you could see his green eyes up close, "thanks." There was a beeping sound and both of your eyes widened. "Oh no, I've got to go. Can I meet you here tomorrow? Same time?" he asked as he stood up on the wall.

"I'll be waiting for you, kitty." You grinned. He smiled back and jumped off to who knows where.

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