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This story is gonna be on Louis's Pov unless said otherwise.

We were finally back home but this time something was different. We were not five but only four. There will be no groaning about someone's hair is perfect or not. There will be no prank partner for me. But still I had harry so it was not very hard.

Today,there was another concert. But we didn't have the amazing feeling we had before a concert. We were all busy missing Zayn.

Even though we were continuing our work it still wasn't like before. And our fans could also feel it.


Good morning, Liam said as he entered the kitchen.

'Good morning". Me and Niall said in unison.

"Where is harry? " He asked seeing he wasn't here.

"Just getting ready" I stated.

"Yeah, we better get ready too" liam said while drinking his cereal literally.

"Why" I ask.

"We have a appointment with management" liam replied. I just groaned.

"Hazza, we have to get ready" I stated as I entered our room.

"Why" he asked while drying his long hair.

"Management meeting."

"Oh for God's sake, really? "

"Yeah". I said hugging him from behind.

'Boobear, whatcha doing?"

"I am getting charged up because I have to stay without being close to you the whole day."

"Me too, boo" he said turning around in my arms to face me.

"I love you" I said kissing him lightly.

"I love you too and I always will." He said and kissed me back.

After getting ready we all got into the van and started for the meeting.

"Hello boys", Simon greeted us as soon as we walked in.

"Hi Simon" we all said in unison.

"So let's get to the point. You guys are more successful than ever right now but you have to be the greatest. So I was thinking that you guys should take a break from 1d." Simon said.

"What do you mean?" Liam asked.

"I mean that you guys should take a hiatus."

"Are you kidding?" I asked

"No I am very serious."

"Simon, we can't just Break up our band". Liam said

"You are not breaking the band you are just taking a break and focusing on your solo careers for a while. And we have decided it's final."

"So we don't get a say?" Harry asked angrily.

"Harry, it's best for you guys" Simon said.

"No it's not" Niall finally spoke up his blue eyes filled with anger.

"You will thank me later." Simon said.

"Whatever" Niall said and left the room.

"We will talk later" liam said getting up.

"There is nothing to talk about. We are announcing your break. On 31st December you will perform on x factor and from then the hiatus starts."

Really sorry for updating this late. Do you like it??

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