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Harry's Pov ****

Tomorrow, it's 24th December and my boobear's birthday. I had to plan something.

"Good morning guys" I greet liam and Niall as I enter the kitchen.

They just nodded in reply." So I was planning something for lou's birthday. Can you guys please me? "I asked

"Sure, what are you thinking of doing?"  Liam asked.

"I was thinking of a small romantic dinner at first and when we come home a surprise party with our family". I said in one sentence.

"Gee Harold, you are really excited aren't you?"  Niall chuckled.

"Whatever"I rolled my eyes.

"But seriously it's a good idea"liam said.

"Thanks, so let's get started before lou comes back from the gym". I said. We spent the whole day well until lou came back planning everything. It had to be perfect.

"Hey babe", I said getting in the bed.

"Hey" he said wrapping his hands around my waist as I snuggled into his warm chest.

"So what should we do tomorrow?"  I asked acting like I forgot his birthday. I saw some hurt flash through his eyes for a moment and instantly I wanted to tell him everything but it had to be a surprise.

"We can do anything you want " he said quickly hiding his hurt.

"Ok and lou?" I asked

Yes love? He looked at me

"Happy birthday" I said and gave him a lingering kiss before quickly drifting off to sleep in my boobear's arms.

Louis's Pov **

Today is my birthday and for a second I thought my hazza forgot my birthday but ofcourse he remembered. I woked up in the morning to breakfast in bed made by my loving boyfriend.

"Thank you, hazza" I said while eating his delicious breakfast.

"No problem" he said giving me a quick kiss. Today he was extra romantic and kissy not that I am complaining.  I loved every second of it.

Soon harry left saying he had some meeting with the management. But after he left liam and Niall came and took me Shopping. Don't know why though.

"So why are we here again?"  I asked Niall because he would be more easy to crack.

"Because, We need to shop for suits." He simply said and walked ahead to join liam.

After shopping for an hour or so we finally returned home. I thought my hazza was waiting for me but he wasn't home.

"Where is harry?" I asked worried

"He has some things to do, I guess" liam shrugged. "By the way, harry told me to remind you to get ready with the suit you bought today. He is taking you out " liam said smirking.

"Ok. Did he say by  what time?" I asked excited

"Yeah, he said he will come to pick you up at 5"

"Ok, I will start getting ready then." I said excited for our date. By the time I finished getting ready I could hear our fans outside our house. I was getting nervous about how are we gonna go out in this. There were so many fans outside.

"You ready?" Liam asked popping his head into the room.

"Yep. But how are we gonna go out with so many fans waiting outside?" I asked.

"Don't worry, Harry's got it figured out". Liam reassured me. "He called and said that a black car will come to pick you up".

"Ok." I replied a little disappointed harry won't pick me up. As we were talking, we heard a car honk.

"That's the car. Go, go, go" liam rushed.

"Ok, ok gee I am going"I rolled my eyes and opened the door. Soon the flashes cameras caused me to shut my eyes. I quickly got into the black tinted car.

"Hazza" I said as I saw him.

"Loubear" he said and hugged me.

"I missed you" I said genuinely hugging him close.

"Me too but I had to arrange our date." He replied blushing. I loved how easily he  blushes.

"I love you" I said and kissed him.

Love you too he said starting the car. Soon we reached a restaurant.

"How are we gonna go in?" I asked.

"Don't worry. You go first. I am coming"

"Ok but come soon okay?"  I said

"Ok now go. I booked us under Stylinson". He said again blushing.

"Hello" I said to the waitress.

"Hello sir. Do you have a reservation?"  she asked surprised to see me.

"Yeah, under stylinson?"  I asked

"Yeah. Here it is. Let me take you" she said and took me to a private room.

"Thank you ah.. Jade" I said looking at her nameplate.

"No problem." She said leaving. As soon as she left hazza entered wearing a disguise but obviously he couldn't fool me.

"Hi" I said as he slide into the booth.

"Oops!" He said making me laugh.

"It is the first word i ever said to you" he said.

"I know. And by the way I have a tattoo of it too so I couldn't forget it even if I wanted to " I said wrapping an arm around his waist.

"I have a tattoo too" he said and wrapping his arms around my neck.

     Sweet romantic dinner? We'll see. Till then vote and like.

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