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"I know love. I have every single part of your body memorized" I whispered in Harry's ear. He gulped showing his Adam ample. God how much I wanted to kiss him.

"Whatever" he said moving a bit away from me as the waitress came with the menues.

"So what can I get you?" She asked looking at me while smiling.

"I will have the steak with the side salad" I said handing her the menu.

"And you sir?" She asked still looking at me.

"I will have the chicken"harry said slightly glaring at her

"I will be back she said leaving."

"Why were you glaring at her?"I asked as she left

"She  clearly has the hots for you"he said crossing his hands over his chest.

"But I only have the hots for you" I said cupping his cheeks.

He blushed at that so cutely.

"I love you" I said looking at him fondly.  I know I say it too much but I can't help it. He is just so amazing.

"Love you too boobear" he said wrapping his hands around my neck.

"This is the best birthday ever. I want to spend every birthday like this" I said wrapping my hands tightly around him looking onto his green eyes.

"Ahh..." Someone cleared their throat. We both turn to see the waitress coming with our orders.

We both move a little away but I kept my hand around his waist.

"Anything else?" She asked placing the plates on the table.

"No thanks" we said in unison. After dinner and convincing jade not to say anything about us we were finally on our way back.

"Thank you love for arranging this. I had fun" I said while driving the car.

"No problem" he said placing a kiss on my cheek.

"I am going in you come after parking the car" he said quickly getting out of the car not giving me a chance to reply.

Harry's pov **

I quickly got out of the car and ran into the house. I had to see if everything was ready.

"So everything ready?" I asked liam entering the hallway.

"Yep, now where is he?" He asked

"He is parking the car. Everyone get ready he is coming" I said louder.

"Surprise!!!!!" We all shouted as lou opened the door.

"Jesus christ, you guys nearly gave me a heart attack!!" lou exclaimed like the drama queen he is.

"Oh hush" I said rolling my eyes.

"Did you plan this?" Lou asked pointing at me.

"Yes, do you like it?" I asked

"Like it? I love it thanks hazza." He said hugging me.

"Give us a hug as well brother" lottie said clearing her throat.

"Lottie!" Lou said sweeping her up in a hug.

"You invited my family?"  He asked after hugging his whole family. His mom was here too with the twins.

"Ofcourse it's your birthday" I shrugged. " Now come on, it's time to cut the cake" I said dragging him to the middle to the cake table then I went next to lottie.

"Cutting the cake without me?" Zayn asked from behind him. I invited zayn because I knew it wouldn't be the same without him and Louis would be very happy because even if he doesn't show it I know he misses him.

"Zayn, you came?" Lou said surprised seeing him.

"Well, ofcourse. It's my best mates birthday. Happy birthday mate" zayn replied hugging Louis.

"I just wanna say thanks hazza for planning this. I love you hazza" lou said before cutting the cake.

The whole day was perfect. Our closest friends were here. We were laughing. It was amazing.  Even though we were supposed to be on hiatus in a week we all forgot it for the evening and just had fun together again after a long time. We didn't have to worry about hiding. We just had fun.

  I cried while writing the zayn part. I can't help but feel sad because I know they all miss each other.

No I Won't Stay Away(Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now