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Louis's pov *****

"OK,this is the last of the luggage" Liam said putting all of our luggage together. Today is the day that we are supposed to move.

"It's official now"Harry said his voice small and sad.

"Yeah but I hoped so much that I wouldn't have to let you guys go"Niall said his eyes red from crying and the sadness evident in his voice

"Me too nialler me too" Liam said hugging him.

"OK, OK group hug before I cry"  I said with a chuckle.

"OK, OK group hug before I cry"  I said with a chuckle

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"By the way, I am losing way more than you guys".

"Really, how?" Liam asked

"I am going to be separated from my best mates and my love together". I said

"One thing I am not gonna miss is your cheeky wins tommo" niall said shaking his head.

"Whatever. I am gonna miss you guys".  I said

"See you soon!! "Haz shouted from the window as Liam and nialls cars left.

"Love, come here" I sat haz on the couch and sat on my knees before him.


"Haz, always remember one thing I will always always be in love with you. For God's sake haz, you are way out of my league I mean how can I let you go? It would be a very big damn mistake. I will not leave you even if you tell me to. So , all I was trying to tell you is haz never think that I will leave you because I can't, never. I love you so much haz that it hurts"I finish as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"God I am so lucky to have you lou. You are so....  I love you lou" Harry said fully crying now hugging me.

Harry's pov *****

It's been almost a month since our hiatus started and we moved.  I miss all of them and lou to death. My emotions helped me write my new songs. I poured all of my emotions into them. Each of my songs carries different emotions. Happiness, sadness every emotion helped me create my album. I dedicate my album to lou. He is my inspiration. He is the reason of my life.

"Let me call lou" I said to myself after brushing my teeth.

Phone conversation :

Hi love, good morning I chirped.

Hi haz, did you have breakfast?

No, I just woke up. Did you?

No, I was waiting for your call.

Eh, it has become a routine for us hasn't it?

Yeah and I love hearing your voice in the morning. It's all gruffly and rough.

Oh shut up. I rolled my eyes.

Anyway, when am I gonna hear your songs?

Soon, soon

Okay, but I am telling you I should be the first one to hear them.

I promise. And you will get a big surprise when you will hear them.


Yeah. By the way, how is Jay? I haven't talked to her in ages.

Yeah, she misses you too.

Give  the phone to her.

Mum, Harry wants to talk to you lou shouts.

Hi, Harry. How is my favorite son? Jay's sweet voice says.

I am right here , you know lou says in the background.

I am good I chuckle.

Good but lou isn't.  You know he is really hard to tolerate without you.

Still,right here lou groans

Oh hush (to Louis). So, when are you coming to visit? (to me)

I will come visit soon. I miss your cooking so much.

OK, I will see you soon then. Here talk to lou. He is so impatient I swear.

So do you have any plans today? 

Yeah, I gotta go meet mitch first and then have to go to the studio.

Mitch why? Lou whines.

Lou,  I don't understand why you don't like him?

I just don't like how close he gets to you.

Aww, is lou-lou jealous?  I tease


Lou , first of all he is straight and second of all he has a girlfriend.

OK, OK go.

Thanks bye, I love you.

I love you more.

     I know short. This is the fluffy part the sad part is still coming.

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