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November, 2016******

"Good morning!!. "Louis said to his family coming to the kitchen.

"Morning love" Jay kissed her son on the cheek.

"What's for breakfast?"  Louis asked sitting at the table.

fottie"Lottie is making bacon sandwiches for everyone as I am feeling a little sick". Jay said.

"Aww mum. You have been alot sick lately. You should see a doctor" Louis suggested touching her forehead to see if she has a fever.

"God mum. You are burning up". Louis said worried.

"It's just a small fever."  Jay waved her hand dismissively.

"No excuses mum. I am free today so I am taking you to a doctor." Louis said

"OK done." Louis smiled.


"Hi, we are here for our appointment." Louis said to the receptoinist.

"Name please?", the receptoinist asked not looking up from .

"Johannah Deaken" Louis answered

"Yes. Sit down. We'll call you when your turn comes." The receptionist said still not looking up.

After a few minutes or so they were called in.

"Hello, I am Doctor Joya. Please sit down." The doctor said shaking hands with Jay and Louis.

"Hello, I am Louis Tomlinson and this is my mum, Johannah Deaken".

"Uhm, Louis as in the singer? "The doctor asked shocked 

"Yes, the singer." Louis chuckled. 

"Are you a fan?"  Jay asked.

"No but my sister is such a big fan.  I mean she would freak out when she finds out I saw you." Joya chuckled.

"Oh. Then tell her I said hi". Louis smiled.

"Thank you.  Now Mrs.Deaken what seems to be the problem?"  Joya asked.

"I just have a fever and feeling a little weak lately, nothing much".Jay said.

"Oh. How long has it been since your weakness started?" She asked.

"A little over a week? " Jay said.

"Hmm. Well, you need to take some tests" Joya said.

Please come in " Joya said calling the nurse.

"Take Mrs.Deaken to take a blood test" she told the nurse.

"So doctor, what do you think my mom has?" Louis asked as Jay left

"I really can't say anything without the test results.  The symptoms she has can mean many things so I am not sure". Joya explained.

"OK. How long will it take for the results to come?"  Louis asked. 

"Atleast till tomorrow.  I will put you guys in for a appointment tomorrow. I will call when the reports come in." 

"OK. Thanks doctor."  Louis said getting up as Jay came back

"It's my duty. Mrs. Deaken I will see you tomorrow".

"Call me Jay dear." She smiled.

OK Jay.

"So, did the doctor say what she has?" Lottie asked Louis.

"No,she said she can't say anything until the tests come back. "Louis shrugged.

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