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December 3rd,2016

It has been weeks since Harry came to visit Louis and Jay and honestly Louis was feeling like he can't gtake it anymore. His mother was getting worse and worse infront of his own eyes and he couldn't do anything to help his mum.

"Hey mum, how are you feeling? " Louis said softly sitting on the hospital bed.

"Hey lou. I am feeling better" Jay said through her oxygen mask even though her face said something completely different as she tried to sit up. Her once shining blue eyes were now dim and faded making her look even more weak and sick.

"Here let me help you mum" Louis said helping her sit up.

Did you have something to say? " Jay asked once she was comfortable.

"Yeah, remember mum? I told you That Simon invited me to perform my debut song on the x factor?"

Yeah? "

Well, he called and it's on  Sunday , December 11th. " Louis said.

"Aww my baby!! " Jay smiled hugging Louis

"Mum!!  I am not a baby. "Louis said chuckling.

"Like I care!" Jay huffed and started coughing profusely.

"Mum here,drink some water" Louis said helping her.

"I am fine love" Jay said drinking the water but suddenly she started puking in the bin.

Mum, what's wrong? " Louis asked rubbing his mother's back softly.

I am gonna  call the doctor" Louis said pressing the button.

What happened?" Doctor Emmy asked glancing at louis while checking jay .

"I don't know. She was just talking and started coughing so  i just gave her some water but she puked" louis said worried .

what's wrong doctor? "louis asked Emma once she was done checking but wasn't saying anyhing 

uhm.louis,can i plese talk to you outside please?" Emma asked with a tight smile.

louis nodded ignoring the lump in his throte knowing it wasn't good news.

"louis, i am really sorry but your mum's chemo's result came and  it's not good". emma sighed.

"The chemo was supposed to  help !!" louis exclaimed blinking away the tears. 

"i know louis but unfortunately, your mom was already at a stage where it couldn't be helped". Emma said

"So, what now? Can't something be done?" louis asked his eyes full of hope and tears.

The results show that the diseased blood  cells are increasing and the organs are getting affected. Emma said 

what are you saying doctor? "louis asked.

"i am really sorry louis but your mom probably has 4 or 5 days maybe a week. i am really sorry." Emma smiled symphatically before walking away and that was when louis finally let his tears fall.

louis was only thinking one thing "why? why was this happening to him? whyyyyy?"His mum was his rock, his best  friend, his everything. he just couldn't loose his mother. but what even made him sadder was that Earnest and dorest wouldn't even get the chance to know the amazing person  our mum was.

"Louis, what's wrong love?" Jay asked after Louis came in his shoulders slumped.

Mum, your results came in". Louis said trying to keep his tears in.

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