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Third pov ********

OK big time jump.

4th, October, 2016***

Louis was missing Harry like hell. He just couldn't take it anymore so he decided to surprise Harry.  That's why he was standing infront of Harry's flat ringing his bell.

He heard some shuffling inside then his gorgeous boyfriend opened the door looking startled.

Lou? " He asked his eyes wide.

"Harry. God I missed you" Louis said hugging his still startled boyfriend.

First Harry didn't get what was happening then he reacted and hugged his boyfriend back. "I missed you too" he whispered melting into the hug and he meant it.

After hugging each other for God knows how long. "How are you here, lou?" Harry asked with a big smile on his face.

"I am here because I missed my dorky boyfriend too much" Louis said.

"Yeah Yeah but I am your dork "Harry said wrapping his hands around lou's neck.

"That you are "  Louis said pulling him close by his waist and obviously that soon turned into a hot makeout session.

Warning ⚠ smut ahead *****

Harry moaned in louis's mouth as Louis turned them around and pinned him to the wall still kissing him.

"Hmm" Louis tapped on Harry's thigh and Harry wasted no time to jump up and wrap his legs around Louis's waist. Louis started walking to Harry's room both of them still kissing desperately.

Louis dropped Harry on the bed as his knees touched the bed both completely hard now.

"Take of your clothes "Louis said removing his own clothes both of their shirts off from their makeout session.

"Oh god babe, you are so hot" Louis said taking in Harry's naked tattooed body.

"Agh just kiss me you fool "Harry said groaning but still smiling. Now that had Harry pinned against the bed with lou on top of him. His eyes dark blue starring into Harry's dark green eyes.  Then Louis started kissing him moving to his jaw then his neck.

"Gonna mark you up real nice babe so everyone who tries to flirt with you knows you are taken" Louis whispered hotly in his ear and then nibbled on it.

"Mhhh "Harry moaned nodding moving his head giving Louis more space on his neck.

Louis started kissing and marking Harry down from his chest to his v line moving down. 

"Mhhh lou, need you inside me now" Harry moaned as lou kissed his v line his member already leaking pre Cum

'Do you have lube babe?" Louis asked looking up.

"In the top drawer" Harry said.

Louis went to the table and took out the lube. Soon his two fingers were inside Harry.

"There .. There yes", Harry said as lou hit his prostate with his now three fingers.

"I am prepped lou". Harry said.

"Ok "Louis said as he pushed in after wearing a condom ofcourse.

"Louis!!" Harry screamed.

"Is it hurting too much? Should I take it out?"Louis said

"No, just wait let me adjust" Harry said

"You can move now "Harry said.

Louis started moving slowly pushing in and out.

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