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Sorry guys for this late update. . Ok let's get to it...

Few months later ***

This few months we cherished every moment as much as we could. But soon it was December. We only had 28 days left till I would have to go to L.A and Harry would have to go California.

"Good morning hazza" I said with my eyes closed as I felt harry staring at me.

"Damn it"he groaned and I let out a small laugh opening my eyes.

"What's wrong?"  I asked trying hard not to laugh.

"How do you always catch me?" He said pouting adorably.

"It's just instinct baby, instinct" I say tapping on his nose.

"Whatever"he rolled his eyes and wrapped his hands around my neck.

"Hi" I said starring into his green eyes and wrapping my hands tightly around his waist pulling him closer.

"Hi" he said giggling. Now that was music to my ears. After couple  minutes of just  starring into each other's eyes I finally spoke up.

"Babe, can you please make your chocolate chip pancakes?" I asked battling my eyelashes. I really loved his pancakes.

"Sure"harry said untangling himself out of my embrace and starting to get up.

"Not so fast" I said pulling him down to the bed.

"What?"harry said

"Give me a morning kiss first"I said pulling him in.

"But I haven't brushed yet. I have morning breath" he protested.

"I don't care" I said pulling him in a kiss.

"Bye"I said going to the bathroom leaving a still faced boy behind

After I came out I could smell pancakes. I went to the kitchen and saw hazza cooking. His hair up in a messy bun and he is swaying his hips to the song that was playing.

"Wow" I let out before I could stop myself.

"Heyyyyyyyy, you startled me" harry said stopping the song.

"Sorry" I said sitting on the counter tops. "By the way, where is the hungry leprechaun?  He should have come sniffling by now. I don't see liam as well" I asked.

"He and liam both are out. Liam went to cheryl's and Niall went out with his friends. Both will be back during lunch." Harry said not turning his eyes from the stove.

"So we have the house to ourselves?"I asked with a smirk.

"Yeah" he said

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"Yeah" he said. I went and wrapped my hands around him from behind putting my chin on his shoulder.

"So what do you wanna do today?" I asked

"What about ice-cream and movies after breakfast?"  Harry suggested turning around in my arms to face me.

"Your wish is my command, my prince" I said kissing his hand.

"I love you, my king"he said cupping my face.

"I love you too" I said pulling him into a slow kiss.

"Oh god" harry suddenly shouted pulling away from our little kiss session.

"What" I asked out of breath.

"The pancakes burned" he said.

"No problem, love. We can make new ones in a sec."

"Yeah. Pass me the batter.' He said turning around to the stove.

"They were amazing, babe" I said kissing the corner of his lips after finishing like four of his pancakes.

"Thanks" he said happily while taking the plates to the dishwasher.

"Let's go watch a movie" I said after we finished cleaning the kitchen.

Can we please watch Love Actually?" Harry said battling his eyelashes that bustard.

"Ok" I said putting on the movie and sitting on the couch.

"Come here"I opened an arm so harry could snuggle up to me.  I am not a fan of cuddling but Harry is special. I wanna just stay close to him forever.  The smell of his curls makes my knees weak. They just intoxicate me.

After we snuggled close enough we finally relaxed and started watching the movie. Halfway through the movie harry fell asleep with his head on my chest.

He looked so peaceful. He looked like an angel. And it breaks my heart because in a few days I wouldn't be able to see this peaceful face. I couldn't help but shed a tear. But no I couldn't cry infront of Harry. He was already so sad and if he sees me crying he will start crying too. I needed to be strong for him.So forgetting all that for a sec I snuggled us close and fell asleep on top of him.

So forgetting all that for a sec I snuggled us close and fell asleep on top of him

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     (This is not owned by me. I just loved it so much So,I had to use it)

  I know, I know sad ending but wait real story is still coming.

No I Won't Stay Away(Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now