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December 9th

These few days Louis has been ignoring his feelings and just working on his mother's funeral. He hasn't even grieved properly. Yeah he cried when Jay died once but then He has been just busy planning the funeral And Harry is worried because he doesn't know how Louis is truly feeling.

"Louis?"Harry called him as he just came home after all day. Tomorrow is the funeral.

Yeah? " Louis asked sitting next to Harry on the bed.

"Babe , I know you have been busy planning the funeral but you should've really rested. You look really tired." Harry advised rubbing his hand.

"I couldn't haz. Tomorrow is my mum's funeral. It's her goodbye to us. It has to be perfect." Louis said.

"OK OK. But it's nearly 11 at night. Now atleast sleep". Harry insisted.

Yeah. Let's cuddle and sleep" Louis said making grabby hands at Harry from under the sheets.

"Sure love but I am the small spoon" Harry chuckled getting under the sheets.

Ofcourse Harold". Louis laughed but Harry could tell it wasn't a real laugh because his eyes didn't crinkle or lit up like it always does when he laughs and he is just worried that Louis is distancing himself from him .

At the funeral >>>>>>>>>>

It was a small family funeral as Jay wanted. She said that it should only be all her loved ones  under one roof so that she could see them one last time before going to the other side.

Good morning everyone"Dan said going to the stand for his speech.

"But we all know today is far from a good morning. Today we are all here to mourn a wonderful woman who didn't deserve to die so soon. Jay was and is the most important woman in my life. She is the mother of my 7 wonderful children. She is the love of my life and saying goodbye to her was probably the most painful thing I have ever done. I don't know how I would live my life without her. I miss her so much. She was and is the love of my life. We both went through some hardships in our lives but atlast when we found each other. God again took her from me. She was truly an amazing woman, mother, and wife. I already miss her so so much. Dan sighed blinking his tears away. I just wish that she is happy up there and looking over us. The last time we talked Jay told me to tell Doris and Ernest about her and to not let them forget her. Just looking at them.... They didn't even get to know their mother. It's just...". Dan wiped his tears and by then everyone was crying too. Louis was crying hiding his face in Harry's shoulder as Liam rubbed his back and Niall patted his head. His cheery mood somber too. They were all crying missing Jay truly.

"Anyway Jay wouldn't want us to cry over her. She would have wanted for us to be happy remembering our good memories with her. So bye Jay. I know you will always be looking out for us even from heaven". Dan finished looking up knowing in his heart that Jay was up there looking over them.

Everyone was somber.There was nothing they could do. They lost their Bundle of joy, their best friend, their rock and their soulmate. Jay Deaken, the most amazing woman rip.


Today was the day Louis was gonna perform live and solo for the first time.

Mate, you ready?"  Steve asked patting Louis on the back.

"Yeah Yeah just nervous a little" Louis chuckled nervously.

"Don't worry lou. You are gonna do great" Steve smiled at him

Louis, you are on in 60 second " the technical guy said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2019 ⏰

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